How to Say at, on, in, into, to - in Korean

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Welcome to a new chapter! I hope you're doing well in these hard times.

In this lesson we are going to learn about "에", which means "at, on, in, into, to".

For example:

I am at school.
저는 학교있어요. (Formal)

Here is "있어요" translated to "am". It can also mean "is" and "are" but of course that depends on who the subject is. And it can only be "am, is are" when talking about being at a place. But don't get confused by the "는" in  "저는". Because that means "I am". Altogether with the "있어요" means just I am.

More examples (all formal):

Present tense

나는 집 있어요.
I am at home.

저는 방 있어요.
I am in the room.

Past tense

나는 공원 갔었어요.
I went to the park.

저는 대한민국 있어서요.
I was in South Korea.

In some sentences the prepositions can't be attached to the noun.

The nouns in the previous examples were:
에 - Home
에 - Room
공원에 - Park
대한민국에 - South Korea

Here is an example where the preposition is NOT attached to the noun.

Example (formal):

저는 집 앞에 있어요.
I am in front of the house.

When adding "서" onto "에" it means you're talking about the location that the subject is doing something in/at.

Example (formal):

I will study at school.
저는 학교에서 공부할거예요.

That was all for this chapter. I hope it was helpful. 

Stay tuned for other helpful prepositions in the next chapter!

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