Words with ㅊ - ch

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1. 챔피언 - chaem-pi-eon - champion

2. 책 - chaek - book

3. 체크 - che-keu - check

4. 첫 - cheot - first (not as in first place, but first love, first episode and so on.)

5. 처럼 - cheo-reom - like ( like this like that. Not "I like this"

6. 참 - cham - oh yeah!..../seriously...

Depends on the situation. You can either use it in this situation:
"Oh yeah! I forgot this."
"아 참! 이것을 잊었다."
Or in this situation:
"Seriously... I can't believe this"
"참... 이것을 믿을 수 없다."

7. 친구 - chin-gu - friend (add deul 들 at the end to make it in plural. = 친구)

8. 축하합니다 - chuk-ha-hab-ni-da - congratulations (altogether it sounds like chuk-a-ham-i-da)

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