Thank You - 고마워

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In our last lesson, we learned how to say sorry. Now let's learn how to say thank you. There are different ways to say thank you in korean. Let's take a look.

Informal (younger than you, same age, friends or siblings) :

고마워 - go-ma-wo -Thank you ( to make this formal, simply add a 요 - yo at the end. Like, 고마워요 - go-ma-wo-yo

Formal (older than you or strangers) :

고맙습니다 - go-mab-seub-ni-da - thank you (the letter b in 맙 - mab, will be silent in this word. And the letter b in 습, will sound like m. And the letter n will be silent in this word. Like, go-ma-seum-i-da)

감사합니다 - kam-sa-hab-ni-da - thank you ( the letter b will sound like m. And the letter n will be silent in this word. Like, kam-sa-ham-i-da or take make it easier and more fluent, say kam-sa-mi-da)

감사해요 - kam-sa-hae-yo - thank you

4 important ways to say thank you:

고마워요 - go-ma-wo-yo (formal)

고마워 - go-ma-wo (informal)

감사합니다 - kam-sa-hab-ni-da (formal)

고맙습니다 - go-mab-seub-ni-da (formal)


When you say thank you for someone, you have to bow for them. If they are older than you or strangers.

So how was this lesson? Was it useful? If there is anything you want to know about, then tell me in the comments!

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