Hospital visits (병원)

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Are you going to the hospital and need help with a few good words to know? Maybe you need to tell your illness? Let's take a look here. Sentences in this lesson are FORMAL.

Hospital - 병원 - byeong-won

I am at the hospital - 저는 병원에서있어요 - jeo-neun byeong-won-e-seo-is-eo-yo

People - 사람 - sa-ram

Doctor - 의사 - wi-sa

I am a doctor - 저는 의사입니다 - jeo-neun wi-sa-ib-ni-da

The same sentences is used for the rest, but just change the name of the job ;)

Patient - 환자 - hwan-ja

I am a patient - 저는 환자입니다 - jeo-neun hwan-ja-ib-ni-da

Consultant - 전문의 - jeon-mun-ui(i)

Surgeon - 외과의사 - we-kwa-wi-sa

Nurse - 간호사 - kan-ho-sa

Illnesses - 질병 - jil-byeong

Cold - 김기 - kam-gi

Fever - 발열 - bar-yeol

Headache - 두통 - du-tong

Virus - 바이러스 - pa-i-reo-seu

I have a ___ - 저 ___있어요 - jeo ___ is-eo-yo

Fill your  ilness in the blank lines.

For example: 저 감기있어요 - jeo - kam-ki-is-eo-yo 

감기있어요 그리고 두통도 있어요.
I have a cold and I have a headache too.

Tools - 도구들 - do-ku-deul

Thermometer - 체온계 - che-on-kye(kye sounds like ke)

Injury - 상해 - sang-hae

Wound - 상처 - sang-cheo

Burn - 화상 - hwa-sang

Accident - 사고 - sa-go

First aid - 응긎처치 - eung-keub-cheo-chi

Ointment - 연고 - yeon-go

Painkillers - 진통제 - jin-tong-je

Pulse - 맥박 - maeg-bag

Bandage - 붕대 - pung-dae

Other words

Consultation - 검진 - keom-jin

Wheelchair - 휠체어 - hwil-che-eo

Clinic - 클리닉 - keul-ri-nik

Operation - 수술 - su-sul

Operation room - 수술실 - su-sul-shil

Injection - 주사 - ju-sa

Ward - 병동 - byeong-dong

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