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Many people would consider my story to be like the book called 'Holes' and that's because they haven't read mine yet. It more like a love story really. Much like Stanley in the story my family got a 'curse' but instead of it being from my great great grandfather it was from my great great grandmother. I also wasn't in trouble because of the curse. I was just a bad kid. I knew I couldn't escape the bad thigs that would happen because of this 'curse' so I just did all the wrong things on purpose.

"Y/n how many times are you going to get in trouble this month?" I leaned back in the chair and rolled my eyes "dont roll your eyes at me young man. You are one stolen burrow away from being sent to that God awful camp." I rolled my eyes again "they breed faster then anyone can catch them, so I don't know why they are protected by the government." She sighed "its because they have been here on this land longer then us. Thats why they are protected."

I got up as she yelled at me "dont you dare step out of that door." I looked back at her over my shoulder "says who?" She stepped towards me "I do. You step out that door you have to answer to your father." My father was chief of police. That's why I hadn't been sent away yet. "Yeah whatever you cooky old bat." I slammed the door and headed out to see if I could find someone to steal from and it didn't take long at all.

"Hey do you need help?" I stopped at a moving van where a family, a rich one, was moving into a big house "sure. Go ahead and grab that box right there. You can sit it just inside the door." I nodded "ok." I was just under six foot by a couple inches and I was built...weird. I could run with something heavy easily, but having to go up over a fence with something was another story, so I'd have to think this one through. I moved box after box inside for the family until I found the thing I was looking for. A box without a top to it filled to the brim with things that were beyond expensive and could make me a pretty penny at a pawn shop. I wasted until it was just me in the moving van to grab it and run around the corner into the alley.

I made it two miles from there in about an hour before I heard police sirens rushing past me towards the house. I needed to think and fast. Thats when I spotted the car that had keys in it. "Bingo." I climbed in and went to start it, but I felt a pang of guilt hit me. What if these were family air looms? I'd never be able to forgive myself. I imagined where I wanted to go and blinked and I was there infront of the house again. I was also in between my father and the new home owner.

"I found this down the street...?" I gave a guilty smile and my father folded his arms with a look of disappointment on his face. Luckily the homeowner believed me.

"How many times are you going to do this Y/n?" I laughed a little from the back seat "you sound like mom earlier." He couldn't help but chuckle "I'm sure, but still. Whats it going to take to get you to clean up your act?" I chcukled "whats it going to take to get you to shave? Mom hates your beard and mustache and you know it." He chuckled again "Y/n quit trying to get out of this." I sighed and slouched in the seat arms crossed "im better then I was a year ago. I'm not stealing as much now." He gave me a stern look in the rear view mirror "that doesn't make you a hero." You gave him a glare "arresting people doesn't make you a hero either. They never get better when they are in jail or on parole anyway." He slammed on the breaks making me jerk forward "I do my best do you understand? With all the negativity circling cops right now I am trying to be a good one and a good father to you. I'm talking to your mother when we get home. I'm tired of you doing this." I shrugged "and I'm tired of you acting like my real dad when you aren't."

I unlocked the car door and took off to find something to take my anger out on. "Y/n come back." I heard him groan then throw something on the ground before climbing in his patrol car and driving off. I did find a way to take my anger out...when I spotted a muscle car that our neighbor the next street over used for drag racing. "Oh hell yeah." I checked around the streets to see if anyone was there before sneaking over to it. "Oh come on who leaves the keys on the car?" I searched the entire car and successfully found the keys before starting it up "oh ho ho man listen to that rumble." I stuck in gear right as the owner of it came out "hey!" I looked at him then stepped on the gas taking off at a ridiculous speed. "I'll return it without a scratch!"

I roared through the streets happy this place had little to no cars ever on the road. I took turn after turn feeling much better then earlier now until I seen a string of cop cars blocking my way "oh shit." I slammed on the breaks hoping I could stop before hitting them, but I lost control of the car and don't remember much after that.

"He'll be ok right?" I came in and out of consciousness as I was put into the back of an ambulance "yes ma'am he will. We just need to run some tests then we will know for sure. He seems to be perfectly fine, but we won't know until then." I remember bits and pieces on the way there. I remember them asking me questions and I remember answering them, but I didn't remember arriving at the hospital or them running any tests.

"Y/n are you alright?" My mother raced to my side as the doctors pushed me out in a wheelchair "yes I am. Just needed a few minor surgeries to remove some glass and metal." In could tell she wanted to slap me, but I knew she wouldn't. She's never hit me before, so why would she now?

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