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Once we were in the car and I said hello to Y/ns sister I couldn't fall back to sleep even though I was tired. The most I could do was try and she took it as a sign that I was asleep.

"So Y/n is Luisa temporary or are you planning to marry her? Because I need to know now if I can be mean to her or if I need to get to know her." I heard a smack sound "what?" I heard Y/n sigh "I want to marry her yes, but I need to wait until we get back home to do it." There was silence for a moment "you mean home with mom and dad right?" Another moment of silence "no I mean back in Encanto. That place is more like home than here ever has been. Yeah it has its challenges, but I like it there." I heard her scoff and she sounded hurt "you only like it there because of her." She sounded like she was about to cry "whats your problem all of a sudden Lilah? You're never like this."

I heard her sniffle after a while "it doesn't matter." Y/n sighed again "well I think it does." I opened my eyes and looked out the window and in the reflection watched her shake her head "then dont be a dick and I'll tell you." She was still crying "I wasn't being one." "You kinda were." He looked back at me "can you not sleep?" I shook my head "I'm sure you'll be able to once we get to my place." She gave me a small smile in the mirror "you'll get a king size bed all to yourself." I chuckled tiredly "I sleep better with Y/n." A car went by and I could see his face was red "boy where did you land her?" He only chuckled nervously and never answered.

When we got to her place it was huge. Twice the size of Casita. "Where'd you get this?" Y/n looked at her amazed "my...ex gave it to me." His expression suddenly changed "he broke up with you?" She nodded as tears started to well up in her eyes "yeah, but its no big deal." Even I could tell it was a big deal. "Come on lets go." She climbed out and we followed close behind her "but it is. He was with you since you were fourteen. What the fuck was his reason for leaving you?" Y/n had, what did he call it earlier? Telephone? No telegraph? No thats not right either... "Telepoorted!" He looked at me "sorry." He shrugged and just brushed it off "Tell me why." She sniffled and mumbled something making Y/n chuckle "we'll continue this conversation in the morning." I watched her roll her eyes then unlock the door.

The next morning I was the last to wake up which was unusual. "Good morning sleeping beauty." I looked at Y/n while I was still practically half asleep then walked by him to the bathroom with an arm full of clothes his sister provided me "mi amor?" He poked his head in through the door "yeah?" I yawned "how do you run the shower?" He walked in and closed the door behind himself "this knob is for warm water this knob is for cold water. You turn this one to the right and this one to the left." He turned the water on for me "thank you." I placed a kiss on his cheek then he left.

As I washed up I woke up more and more, but didnt feel all that great "maybe I just need a coffee and to go for a run." I felt like I was getting fat from not always running and also like I was losing my somewhat toned body from not working out every day. "Luisa you ok?" Y/n knocked on the door "yeah just enjoying the water." I heard him sigh "you promise?" I giggled "yes I promise. I'll be out in a minute." I heard his sister say something then him scoff before walking off while saying something back to her. I suddenly felt like I was a third wheel when she was around too and I've only known her since late last night.

When I woke dout of the bathroom he seemed really happy. Happier then when he was with me. "Hey mi vida you want to-" I shook my head and looked at the ground then at him "I'm good. Is there a gym or something anywhere close?" I could tell he was confused by my actions "I uh...yeah there is. Lilah can drive y-" I shook my head again. "Its ok I can go for a slight run there. I just need directions." Even his sister gave me a concerned look "go to the end of this road, take a left, go to the end of that road take a right and it'll be right there. Are you sure you don't want a ride? Its alot further then it sounds." I nodded as I went up the stairs "thanks." I found some clothes that would hopefully fit as work out clothes then headed back towards the stairs where I stopped upon hearing Lilah say my name.

"Is Luisa normally like this? Cause if so you need to dump her." I heard Y/n sigh "she not normally like this and even if she was I wouldn't leave her. Shes had enough bad things happen to her. And don't tell me what to do with my life." I heard her scoff "well maybe she's jealous of me taking her spotlight of attention from you." He was quiet "it...could be that, but it still doesn't explain-" she cut him off "maybe she just needs a little dick. When I would act like that Casen would give me one good-" he cut her off this time "uh uh don't fucking finish that sentence." I heard her sigh irritated "well thats what I'm saying. Alot of times when a girl is acting out like that it's because they need some dick." I bet Y/n was rolling his eyes "well that's not Luisa. It may be you and other girls I've been with or met, but thats not her." I sat down on the top step "what do you mean its not her? All girls are the same pretty much."

In the snap of a finger Y/ns tone changed "you calling her a cheater?" He didn't sound happy "or yourself one? If all girls are 'pretty much the same' then tell me why she actually gave me a chance knowing full well her tio Brunos vision very well could've been true about me hurting her or 'little miss follow the rules Luisa' defied her own Abuela because she saw something in me no one else did and something no one else ever has. So please keep telling me how all women or girls are the same when there are women and/or girls out there blaming a man for sexual assault or even rape when they were the ones who did it to the man and/or boy while knowing full well the man can tell the truth every time, but they won't believe him because 'it can't happen to a man' and 'a women isn't strong enough to do that' or even 'women don't think like men do. They aren't perverts.' But please keep telling me how every women is the same. I love you with all my heart, but if you want to call Luisa the same as everyone else then you aren't my sister I used to know and be able to trust."

I heard him get up and start towards the stairs, so I hurried and stood up before turning and heading back to my room. He wasn't telling me something and I knew it, but I dont think right now is a good time to talk to him.

Misunderstood Luisa x Male! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now