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The next morning when I woke up I may or may not have panicked when Luisa wasn't next to me, but upon hearing a clanking in the kitchen got up to see what she was doing. "What do you think you're doing?" She jumped and almost dropped the things in her hands "I was just uh..." I chuckled "cooking breakfast or looking for something to cook?" She glanced at fridge then back to me "looking for something. I didn't want to dig through your stuff." I walked over to the fridge and opened the door "its already a mess in here just dig through it." I handed her a few options then closed the door "dont you have to get out to help the townsfolk soon?" She nodded "yeah, but I got mamá to make them believeI was goingto sleep in a little." then something crossed my mind.

"I know Abuela is more ok with us talking outside of at the market now, but how did you guys get her to be so ok with you spending the whole day and night with me?" She glanced from me to the stove and back a few times "you guys lied to her huh?" She nodded "I was going to tell you, but we got carried away and I forgot and just know it took alot of persuasion." I fell silent when she said this "oh shit." I ran my hand through my hair "we have to hide those then." I pointed to her neck and collar bone.

"But how we don't have any makeup or-" I bit my lip and looked away from her embarrassed "I actually do. You can't ask why because I'll tell you in just a second, but I have some." She raised her brow and smirked "you have makeup?" I nodded "yeah only because tu primo thinks he has to play fucking dress up in three in the morning every day." She burst into laughter "no way." I nodded and showed her a picture he insisted I take while he mocked his sister and primas "im never letting him live this down if he gives me hell over something. Can I have that?" She pointed at the picture "sure, I have no use for it." I handed it to her then went to dig out the makeup.

By the time I got what we needed out she had ate and was just waiting for me, so I left the foundation on the bathroom counter then went out to where she was "I left it on the counter in the bathroom and some other things you might need. If you need anything just yell im sure I'll be here." I sat down and started to eat as she made her way to the bathroom.

When she left the house it seemed to be duller then when she was here, but I was sure it was just me getting adjusted to being alone again until she showed up to tell me about her day or until Camilo showed up at least. I seriously didn't understand that kid most the time. "Hola Y/n, how was the anniversary last night?" Lilah wiggled her brows in suggestion while grinning dumbly "it was fine." Her shoulders instantly dropped "just fine? I haven't seen Luisa smile or engage in conversations this much for a long time. Whatever you did has her in a good mood." I shrugged "just gave her alot of attention is all." She narrowed her eyes at me "you totally fucked her." My face went pink and I averted my eyes "no I didn't. Why is that your answer to everything?" I helped her set out a few boxes of things "because I like to see your different reactions." I rolled my eyes as she playfully shoved me "well unless she says otherwise, we just had a relaxing night. Goodbye to you for now." She only laughed at me as I walked away.

"Hey, Luisa!" I sighed hearing Osvaldos oldest son yell for Luisa "this is for you. A beautiful flower for a gorgeous women." I watched her glance at me from the corner of my eye "gracias, but I have a boyfriend." She still took the flower as to not be rude "well whoever it is im sure im a better match then they are." I rolled my eyes and walked past them taking Osvaldo a box of fireworks "I doubt it." I watched as his face turned red after I sat the box down "I-I didn't mean to say that, what I meant was I doubt uh any girl would miss a chance with you."

I used my curse a few times to get things done faster when I stopped at Lilahs table to talk with Señora Guzman. "What else do you need Señora?" She pointed at a few pairs of earrings which I picked up then she asked if I could run a few arrands for her around town and I was happy to do so since that is my job after all. "Luisa, hey." I looked over at her to see him there again for the fourth time in two hours and she gave me a pleading look. "Hey I'll be right back Mrs. Guzman ok?" She nodded "that's quite alright dear. I'll just be here." I walked between Luisa and him 'accidentally' bumping into him really hard like I was in a rush and I knocked him over "damn, sorry about that. Here let me help you up." Luisa knew I had a few tricks up my sleeve just because I wasnt carrying a box of oils and slick foods for no reason.

He grabbed my hand and got 3/4 of the way up when his hand slipped from mine and he hit the ground again "sorry try this hand." He took my other hand and the same thing happened "here let me just-" I wiped my hands off on my shirt then offered both hands out to him which he took and hit the ground again "might as well just let you get up on your own. Sorry about that." I got oils and food everywhere on him making him have to go home and change and me too, but just my shirt. "Your a mess man. Get a grip on your life." He shouldered me as he walked away and Luisa flashed me a smile "thanks Y/n." I smiled back at her "no problem. Now if you'll excuse me." I left and took the box I ran into him with home then changed and came back to help Señora Guzman.

Misunderstood Luisa x Male! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now