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Before I forget: in some story parts I might make it seem like you are shorter then her and in other story parts I might make it seem like you are the same height or taller then her and thats just because I don't want to stick with just one thing just in case I upset someone about assuming their height, so if you are or have ever been confused about that part now you know.

You had been sleeping in extremely late last few days and Luisa was pretty worried about it.

"I told you Luisa im ok I've just been really busy lately and I've been stressed just a bit, but I'll be fine." She sighed "you promise you'll be fine?" I nodded "yes I promise." She huffed "let me guess you don't believe me?" She looked away from you "of course." She scoffed "whats that supposed to mean?" You pinched the bridge of your nose "nothing bad you just haven't been believing me lately so it's no surprise you don't believe me. I tell you I'll be ok if I get a small cut and you don't believe me, I tell you I'll be fine after I've had a rough week and you don't believe me. I'll be fine, I just need a moment to blow off some steam and relax at the end of the week."

She stared at you a moment "its not that I dont believe you I just worry you won't be ok after and something more serious can happen because of something small like a cut or just a small amount of stress." You turned and looked at her "I understand that Luisa because I'm the same way with you, but sometimes I wish you'd just believe me and not worry so much about me." That hit a nerve and you could tell, but what you couldn't tell was if it was sgoing to make her mad or make her cry "so are you telling me to just stop caring about you? Because thats what it seems like your saying." You bit your lip and sighed "thats not what I'm saying Luisa I'm just saying your always so uptight anymore you don't relax or stop worrying which I understand is hard to do at times, but-" you looked at her and could see the tears forming on her eyes.

"But what? But I just need to get over it? But I just need to get over myself? Go ahead and tell me that. You won't be the first person too and you won't be the last person either. I've heard it from people I help the most and people I love the most, but I never stop because I'd rather worry and not have something happen or be prepared for it then not worry and have something happen when I'm not prepared for it. Thats just me and I can't change that. I've tried. I've frustrated so many people because I worry something is going to hurt us even though life is perfect for me right now and most days, so I'm sorry if you dont like that part of me, but its never going away, so you can either learn to deal with it or you can just leave like the last person did when they found out I had more going on then they wanted to deal with when they didn't even have to dela with it. I'm used it. I'm used to people leaving because I just seem like too much of a problem to them." Before you could react she took off as tears poured down her face.

You sat at home a while trying to decided how you should apologize or what to even say to her period and right when you were starting to lose hope and figured you should just go for it you opened the front door only to have Isa slam into you "what the hell?" She looked at you "you. You better get to Casita and apologize to Luisa or so God help me the next time she'll be seeing you is at your funeral." You raised your brows at her "wow so threatening. Where do you think I was headed genius? I didn't open my door for no reason." She gave you the nastiest glare you've received in a long time "just get to Casita and do it." You sighed and walked past her "fine im going."

She followed you all the way there and up to Luisas room door where you knocked "leave me alone." She sniffled and you knocked again "Mirabel leave me alone." She raised her voice slightly the second time then you did a certain rhythm of knocks on her door and there was silence on her side "what are you doing?" You held up your hand to silence her making her scoff, but then she heard the quiet knocking and it was a rhythm almost identical to the one you just did "Luisa? Can I come in?" She bit her lip wanting to forgive you, but still mad "I dont know." You took a deep breath and stood outside her door a few minutes then imagined being in her room and blinked.

"Hey." She looked up at you then looked away as to not break her focus "I didn't tell you that you could come in." She continued to do reps on the bench press "yeah well sometimes you don't need a person's permission to able to see them." She gave you a side eye that wasnt pretty "and not every person is ok having someone just barge in on them." Yeah she was still pissed, enough that she had been crying from being mad "look Luisa I came to apologize. I didn't mean to snap on you like that." She hummed and practically slammed her weights back on the hooks making you flinch from the sound "go tell it to someone who cares." Damm you had really pissed her off "I am. Infact I am telling it to someone who cares so much that-" she scoffed and rolled her eyes "quit pretending to care about me. I know you don't." You froze in your steps "I'm sorry what?" She looked at you "dont act like your deaf. You heard me." You bit your tongue not wanting to make the situation worse.

"I said quit acting like you care when I know you don't." Before you could process what you were doing you had her pinned against the wall between your arms "I do care Luisa. So much so I didnt want to tell you the truth because I felt wrong telling you why I haven't been able to sleep because its not your place to fulfill my every need when I want something. Even if that something is you." She stared at you slightly shocked as you removed your arms from either side of her and turned away "then what is the truth?" You bit your lip "its a dumb reason I should've just been honest with you about so this whole thing didn't happen." She was starting to calm down as you started to kick yourself for making her get so upset "well?" You sighed "I've been sexually frustrated and didn't want to tell you because I don't feel like its your place to have to take care of that, but I cant fuckin jack off because I've been so tired after work this week I haven't even thought about it and I now feel dumb for causing all this when I could've just been honest with you in the first place."

Your face was the reddest Luisas ever seen it in a while, but couldn't help herself and burst into laughter after a moment of silence. "All this was caused because you couldn't tell me you've been horny the last week? I don't know if I should be mad at you or laugh or how I should feel. Next time just tell me. I wont care." She let out a few giggles making you chuckle a few times realizing how dumb you were and how she didn't really care that you had a problem she needed to fix.

Meanwhile on the other side of the door:

"Where's Dolores when we need her?" Isabella, Mirabel, and Camilo had their ears pressed against the door trying to hear what was being said "Camilo watch it you just stepped on my fingers." He laughed nervously "sorry." This silence with an occasional giggle or chuckle was killing them "how about this, I surprise you at your house sometime this week and we can work this all out? Whether its on one of our breaks or not." Her sisters glanced at each other "that doesn't sound too bad. So long as you don't mind my odd remarks again." They heard Luisa chuckle then footsteps approaching the door "I like your 'remarks', they do things to me." She ran her finger up your arm making you get the chills "I'll keep that in mind." You winked at her as she opened the door behind you and you felt three people hit you and almost take you down with them "really you three?" She looked at her family who always had to be nosy "hehe- it was her idea." Camilo and Mirabel pointed at Isabella as they scrambled to their feet "dont blame me. You two were just a snuck part of this as I was." She took off after them "see you sometime this week then?" You smiled at her and she smiled back before placing a kiss on your lips "si mi amor."

Misunderstood Luisa x Male! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now