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I really worried about Luisa since her feelings are easily hurt due to growing up and living where she did where everyone was so much nicer then people here.

"You doing ok today?" She looked at me "yeah. Settling in slowly." We had been here about a week and Luisa was doing...alright with everything. We snuck kisses quite often and how we never got caught I dont know.

"So why does Kaylee bother you like she does?" I tossed a bit of dirt with my shovel then looked at her with a sigh "its a long story." Snoop suddenly butted in "shes one of his exs and she cheated on him pretty bad and felt like a queen for doing it. She's an entitled bitch who practically runs this camp with her pussy. Everyone including most the girls here have had sex with her. She's a whore." He went back to digging and Luisa looked at me "I didnt know that. Why didn't you ever tell me?" I sighed "I kind of did, but not who it was. I know how you feel about bad people and I didn't know if you were going to beat her ass or something if you found out." She laughed as I let out a chuckle "she'll have to do alot to make me get to that point." Snoop laughed "I'd like to see that." Bubba spoke up "me too. I'm tired of that-" a rock hit him in the back of the head "keep my girls name out your mouths. You too freak." He motioned at Luisa.

"Yeah well your 'girl' is a fucking bitch who needs her legs sewed shut." Luisa looked at me with shock very evident on her face "Y/n!" I looked at Onion "what? It's the truth." Luisa gave me a certain look that told me that was a little too far "...but maybe it was a bit far. Who knows." I shrugged then watched Luisa jump out of her hole "you're done? The sun hasn't even came up all the way yet." She looked at Snoop "yeah I am." He huffed "well how the hell do you dig so God damn fast? Do you eat the dirt or something?" She glanced at me "no your friend isn't saving you this time." I laughed and rolled my eyes at him "you are worse then a prissy girl who broke a nail." He looked at me "well at least I don't fucking get drunk then cook a ten course meal or some shit." Luisa looked at me then back to Snoop "ok Mr. I jack off to a sheet blowing in the wind." I heard Luisa snicker "says the one who once laid in bed and cried all night while fucking drunk because Luisa Madrigal isn't real and you'd never be able to hug her."

I put my head down in embarrassment knowing full well Luisa was staring at me confused "wait what?" Yep there it was "its a long story. I'll tell you tonight." She nodded then walked away "so like whats her last name?" Bubba looked at me "Madrigal." I stopped realizing what I said "no its not man. Whats her real last name?" I looked at them "its Madrigal, I promise." They laughed "and let me guess she has two sisters named Isabella and Mirabel?" I gave them a look that told all and that eventually lead to me telling them the whole story and what not, only leaving out the part of me and her being together. They believed me too, but that was just Bubba and Snoop for you. They believed everything I said. I was sure I had already told them the story too, but who knows.

"You guys seem pretty close." I sat down in one of the chairs in the mess hall as Luisa spoke with a few of the girls who were here because of someone else "yeah I guess you could say that. In her world time went by alot faster then here. I was there for over a year probably two if I'm being honest and we became good friends despite Alma not wanting us to. Here I was only gone a day. There was a few things there that I dont miss though. Things such as Esperanza and Mateo." They laughed "no I'm serious. Because I was the one who always got Luisas attention Mateo would attack me like full on fist fight at times because he likes Luisa then Esperanza was just a creep who was obsessed with me. Worse then the one group of girls here and it was just a...mess." I watched Kaylee approach Luisa and say something to her making Luisa glance at me then say something back "uh Y/n-" I nodded "I know. Just let it play out." I got up and walked closer to them as did practically everyone else in the building. Including the counselors.

"Why do you hang out with him huh? He's not worth your time." Luisa took a deep breath "what I do and don't do isn't up to you and I shouldn't have to explain myself to you." I watched Kaylee try to get in Luisas face the best she could with how tall Luisa was "I pretty much run this camp, so you do owe me an explanation and an answer." Luisa looked at me a moment not knowing what to say. That was until Kaylee slapped Luisa across the face "answer me." I looked at the ground and could tell everyone was holding their breaths "Y/n how strong is Luisa exactly? Is she as strong as in the movie?" I looked up at the guys and nodded "look Kaylee..." I looked at Luisa and seen she had ahold of Kaylees wrists just tight enough it hurt "im not a fighter, but if you hit me again the next hole you dig will be your grave." She let go of Kaylees wrists with a slight shove and I let out a quiet laugh as did Bubba, Snoop, and Onion.

Later that night as we all laid in bed trying to sleep I heard Luisa sigh then roll over "Y/n?" I hummed letting her know I was still up "can I tell you something?" I sat up slightly "of course you can mi vida." She was silent for what seemed like forever "I dont want to hurt Kaylee if she hits me again, but I dont handle things well when I get hit. I had a guy in Encanto hit me once and I hurt him really bad." I looked at her "how bad?" I could tell by her voice she was close to tears "I almost killed him. I meant to just hit him back as hard as he hit me, but my anger made me loose control of my gift and I hit him harder then I intended." I heard a scoff across the tent "you aren't that strong. Just give up the act and admit you get all the guys to dig your hole for you." I heard Bubba huff "look Kaylee what they are talking about is none of your business. Go lay back down and go to sleep. I know damn well you got up just to come snoop on their conversation."

She groaned and stopped a foot, but left us alone "thanks Bubba." I heard him mumble a you're welcome before I got up and went over to Luisas bed "what are you doing?" Her voice was so quiet "I think you need a cuddle time." She chuckled at me "be honest you want one too huh?" It was embarrassing to admit, but it was the truth. I missed cuddling with Luisa in Encanto on our free time "...yeah" she pulled me down on top of her before rolling onto her side where she rested her head on my chest "I love you." I smiled "I love you too."

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