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I'm sorry for not updating in a while y'all life has been hectic.

You had been terrified of one thing happening since you had showed up in Encanto and as luck would have it, naturally it just had to happen.

You had sat and talked to Camilo for a couple hours before he left and you were able to finally go to sleep, but your mind kept wandering, so you fought sleep for a long time before at least getting a couple hours a sleep, but when you woke up it wasn't exactly what you had hoped.

Sunlight hit your eyes when you rolled over and you kept tossing and turing trying to get more sleep. You had fallen asleep about two in the morning and only got about 3-4 hours of sleep. You now laid in bed just staring at the bedside table. A bedside table that wasnt yours.

"Hold on." You went to sit up and thats when you noticed the arm around you holding you down. "Where am I?" You were being quiet as to not wake the person next to you, you were also trying not to move around too much for the same reason, so you did your best to look around without moving only to have the person tighten their grip on you and pull you into them. It was a girl. Not any girl, but Luisa.

"Damnit." You couldn't use your 'gift' because it'd take Luisa back to your house with you and you couldn't get away from her because of her strength, so you were just kind of stuck unless you got lucky.

You found it a little funny that she mumbled and groaned in her sleep and sometimes would have a full on conversation with herself all within thirty minutes of eachother. You also had almost escaped twice, but as soon as you moved she'd tighten her grip on you. Around 6:10 every morning the Madrigals would leave Casita, well Luisa would leave Casita at that time, it was another fifteen minutes for the rest of them. Around 5:50 Luisas alarm sounded and she instantly rolled over and shut it off before sitting up. She noticed you right away, but didnt do it say anything. This wasn't the first time you've just appeared randomly in her room, but you didn't know that. You had decided to 'play it safe' and wait until she left the room to escape which meant pretending like you were asleep, but once she was dressed she walked over and picked you up before sneaking out of the house before anyone else came out of their rooms.

"You're horrible at pretending to be asleep." This statement made you open your eyes and look at her "how did you-?" She chuckled "when you are actually asleep and I pick you up you always curl into a ball. Plus you normally snore a little or you groan in your sleep." You were confused on how she knew this "how do you know all that? Have you been creeping on me?" You laughed a little letting her know you were joking "no. You always end up in my room at least once a week. If I was creeping on you I'd ask Dolores about all your secrets." Your face went red out of embarrassment that she has had to do this multiple times and you never knew about it. "You can set me down. I can walk you know." She nodded "yeah I do, but your barefoot and if you step on a rock im sure it'll hurt." She had a point, but being a guy carried by a woman wasn't exactly normal or something people let go of easily. "No I'll be ok. You can set me down." She raised a brow then sat you down carefully.

"...thanks for bringing me this far. I can go the rest of the way by myself." You loved her company, but right now you were beyond embarrassed "no I'll walk you." Your mouth answered faster then your brain could comprehend "ok thats fine." You couldn't tell her no. As you both walked next to eachother she did a few things here and there that were small and simple "I'm sorry about appearing randomly. I can't control what this curse does or I should say where I go when I'm asleep." She shrugged it off "its ok. I mean it scared me the first couple times, but I've gotten used to it. No one except Dolores and my mamà knows its been happening." That only made you feel worse "oh, that doesn't make me feel any better." She looked at the ground "sorry. I should've told you it was happening." You shrugged "its life and it goes on. I can't stop this from happening until I get home."

She looked at you quickly "you want to leave Encanto?" You stopped walking and looked at her "I dont want to, but I dont what to stay here forever without a purpose or the approval of your Abuela either." You watched her face start to go red and you wondered if you made her mad "Luisa?" She wouldn't look at you "im sorry if I upset you, but you asked and I didn't want to lie to you, but I didn't want to make you mad or-" she placed her finger under your chin and tilted your face up then smashed her lips onto yours.

Where did this confidence come from and why were you not kissing her back? You liked her in that way, but this caught you off guard, so it took a moment before you kissed her back "Make me your purpose then." Your brain was still comprehending what all just happened "I- hold on theres alot going on in my mind right now." Her face fell a little "sorry if I overstepped my boundaries or-" you interupeted "no you didn't. I just was caught off guard. I'm not normally the one to get kissed by someone." You chuckled nervously as did she "I should've asked first or let you do everything." You started to walk again "no you probably shouldn't have." She giggled and gently shoved you "why?" Your face went red "because when I'm around the person I like...it takes me until after we become a couple to kiss them or anything like that."

"You have feelings for me?" You nodded glad she caught on "I want to be your boyfriend, but your Abuela and some of your other family memb-" she didn't even hesitate "they don't need to know. We can keep it a secret?" You nodded "I like that idea, but what if they find out?" She sighed defeated "I dont know." You smiled "exactly, which it why we cover that base when we get to it. That is if you will officially be my girlfriend?" She smiled "I thought guys were supposed to be shy about that question?" You laughed "ok hold on let me just" you looked at the ground and in the quietest voice you could muster "w-will you b-be my g-g-girlfriend? I'm so-sorry I'm sh-sh-sh-shy." She burst into laughter "I'm going to hell for laughing at you." You laughed with her "at least we'll be going together." This side of Luisa was so different then again this side of you was probably different to her too. "Sí, voy a ser tu novia." You flashed her a smile "fresco"

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