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God Luisa you made everything weird. Again. "Why am I like this?" I groaned and covered my face with my hands as I laid in bed thinking about earlier. I made him uncomfortable without meaning to and I know I upset him with what I said and after I hugged him he was acting better, but still different and I just dont know what to do.

I tossed and turmed until I fell asleep that night and while he acted like nothing happened that morning there was news of three people that were hurt. It turned out to be the three that said what they did. At first I didn't think anything of it, but after a while I did start to think about it, Y/n wasnt in the market helping today, but it was wrong to jump to conclusions. I guess it was time to pay him a visit and make sure he was ok.

"Y/n?" I knocked on his door and no answer "Y/n?" After a few tries he answered the door and it looked like I had woke him up and it also looked like he was sick "...yeah?" He could hardly talk "I didnt see you in the market today you alright?" He scratched his chin "yeah I'm fine." He coughed then I watched his body shudder "you better lay down." I picked him up in my arms and he didn't even fight me like he usually did. He didn't even argue, just cuddled into me and shivered even though he was extremely warm to the touch. "What happened to make you so sick?" I laid him down in his bed "I dont know." He looked away from me "yes you do. What is it?" He sighed which sent him into a coughing fit.

"It doesn't matter. My mind isn't working right today anyway." Liar "its from you using your gift huh?" He glared at me "its not a gift. Its a curse, look just leave me alone." He rolled over onto his side with his back to me "I dont want to get you sick." This hurt my feelings, but I wasnt taking that for an answer, so I rolled him back onto his back "so what if I get sick. My mamà can make me better and she could you too." I leaned across his legs with my arm so he couldn't roll away from me now "yeah, but still." I watched his face start to go red and he looked away from me "its weird having someone care for me by giving me soup." I raised a brow at him "maybe I'm not here to care for you." I felt my cheeks heat up "I could be here for another reason." He looked at me as I bit my lip to keep my brain from going into overdrive "th-theres no other reason for you to be here." I didnt know his body could get any warmer. I didn't know how his blood wasnt boiling inside his body yet "there could be." I ran my hand up his leg slowly.

This man was a mess right now. "I-I uh..." for someone who was sick and told me his mind wasn't working right it sure seemed to be working to me. "What do you mean?" He tensed up under me "I mean your mind seems to be where I want it to be." I could tell he wasn't sure what to do or say once he realized what I was talking about "L-Luisa don't." I gave him a warm smile "dont what?" He stared at me not understanding where this side of me came from and quite frankly I didn't know either, but I think both of us liked it. "I can leave if you want me too." I sat up and he looked at me unsure of his answer "I dont know." He looked away once more "or I could do you a favor." He knew what I was hinting at "I-" I interupted him "you don't know? Well I think you do and you just don't want to answer me."

He drew a sharp breath in and closed his eyes "ok." Wait what? "Ok what? You can't just say ok." I laughed knowing I got past the barrier of awkwardness that surrounded us "and I don't know isn't an answer either." He chuckled which made him start coughing "I'll go get you some of my mamàs soup. It'll make you feel better." I got up to leave "no its ok. Don't get me any. I don't need to get framed for what your sister did." I hesitated in my step "what sister? What did she do?" His whole body shuddered again. "Isabella. She was the one who beat up those guys. With some help of Camilo and Mirabel of course." I should've known, but...

"How did they find out?" He raised a brow at me as he repositioned himself in the bed "how else do you think? It was Dolores. She showed up here at like four this morning stating how she couldnt find those three and she may have heard what you said to me and told them about it. I just hope that if it comes down to it they will stand up for me and say it wasn't me because I already know I'm the first on the list for interrogation." He had a point and it was true. Abuela would question him first. "Go finish your chores, so I can sleep this thing off. I'm sure by tonight you can come back by and torment me some more when I'm feeling better." I snorted "I wasn't tormenting. I was teasing." He rolled his eyes with a smile "yeah teasing me in all the wrong ways and getting my hopes up." I did realize how mean that was to tease him like that now "sorry." I rubbed my neck "apology accepted. Now shoo, please and thank you." He was such a diva sometimes. Normally I wouldn't say that but today he was just extra.

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