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Trying to find jobs was not easy. Luckily the camp gave up looking for us, but that wasn't our problem. I had a bad background and Luisa didn't have one at all, so when I landed a good paying job at a pizza place I told her to wait a little while before she tried finding one then that way me and Lilah could explain how different things were here compared to Encanto and to see if maybe I could talk my boss into hiring her if need be, but in the end she did find a job not too far from me.

"I dont know what your smoking, but he isn't that hot." I rolled my eyes as this was the only downfall to this job, it was literally just girls here except for me and I had to listen to them rank guys based on how hot they were "I dont know. He did used to have that small band that blew up and he hasn't changed much since then. Just put on a few pounds. Still wouldn't date him though as I heard he has terrible anger issues or he did. He mightve got help." I heard the back door open, so I looked to see who it was and it was just Luisa bringing me food.

"Gracias mi vida." I stepped out with her for a moment "de nada. You close tonight right?" I nodded "yeah. So far for the last hour or two I've had to listen to the high-school girls in there talk about me and my old band mates." She gave me a funny look "band mates? You were in a band?" I nodded "yeah I was. We got big over TikTok, but we ended up deciding that while it was fun it wasn't something we wanted to do for a living, so we ended up quitting in a way, but such is life." She did a little 'huh' sound "you need something to drink?" She nodded "yeah I do." I opened the door "come on."

She followed me in, but of course the girls stopped me. "Are you single?" I shook my head "no I am not." I walked past them while Luisa stood at the back door just inside the building waiting for me and as I walked away I heard one of them make a nasty remark about me "Luisa?" I waited for an answer, but instead got her walking around the corner "I forgot to ask what you wanted." She chuckled "I dont care, but you know I mainly drink water." I grabbed one out of the cooler and handed it to her as we walked towards the back "thank you mi amor." I smiled "you're welcome mi vida." She leaned down and pecked my lips "see you tonight." As she left I turned around to get back to dishes only to see the girls staring at me "there's no way thats your girlfriend." I shrugged "maybe she is maybe she isn't. It's none of your business."

They all stared at me "well it is now. What were you guys saying to eachother?" I really didn't want to have this conversation "they are just little pet names." I grabbed a dish out of the water "well what are they? Are they sexy ones?" I chuckled "no they aren't." The back door suddenly opened again "hey Y/n?" Why was Luisa back? "Yeah?" I got some paper towels and dried my hands "you better eat your food." I walked over to her "or what?" She shrugged "I don't know. I'll make you do an embarrassing dance or something." You laughed "ok whatever you say." She bit he ripped and her face turned pink "ok what do you want? For real?" I stepped outside once more and closed the door "n-nothing I just had a thought go through my head." I folded my arms "I know better. What do you want?" She sighed "I found this dress I like, but its really expensive. Plus they don't have one that'll fit me." I chuckled "what does it look like?"

"I'm not telling you." I cocked my head "is it this one?" I walked over to my car and pulled out a dress "yeah it is, but how did you get it?" I put it back and rubbed the back of my neck "I uh had a family friend make it for me. I told her to use a stretchy type material so then that way if you flexed your arms it wouldn't break the sleeves."  Watched tears form in her eyes "oh dios mio Y/n thank you." She hugged me and when she did it was one of her squeeze hugs, so it felt like she was going to break me in half "ok, ok, Luisa your squeezing me." I could barely talk and breathe "sorry." She sat me down "why did you get for me though?" I rubbed the back of my neck "its a surprise, so I can't tell you." One of the girls leaned out the back door "we need your help." I nodded "ok. Love you bye Luisa." I hugged her and she hugged me back "love you bye Y/n."

Truth is I got off early tonight because I planned on getting Luisa home. That's also why I bought her the dress. I spoke to my sister and my biological father and found out how to get us both home a few days ago, but I still needed to get Snoop. I promised him and im not going back on it. Luisa and I did get the camp shut down, so all the campers were packing and I'd need a wide open space to get us all home...or atleast those two since there was a chance it wouldn't work for me.

When I got home Luisa was surprised as I figured she would be and Lilah had made some food for herself "what are you doing home early?" I shrugged "we're gonna find out." I went up and changed then came back down "come on Luisa. I have a fun night planned." I tossed her the dress as Lilah went out to the car to wait for us. Once she changed and I checked her out for a moment she playfully cussed me then we left. I really hoped this would work.

"Wait what are we doing?" We walked into a restaurant "a date. A date is what we're doing." We sat down and ate then we were able to land some alone time after we left there when Lilah dropped us off at a park and things got crazy fast. I will admit Luisas horny brain was a little nuts at times, but having a quickie in the park was next level odd.

"Sorry I dont know what got into me." She was thourghouly embarrassed once she came back around to her normal self "hey its ok. Its not the weirdest place I've...you know." She furrowed her brows in shock and confusion before looking away from me "oh really whats the weirdest place?" I bit my lip as I now looked up at the stars with her "thats a good question. I'd have to go with the water fountain in the center of town. Like here in my world." She laughed "really?" I nodded "yeah and to make it worse it was the middle of the day." I looked at her right as she looked at me "no way." I nodded again "yeah thats...thats what happened, but its in the past." There was silence for a while then a random "the weirdest place I've ever done it was in Abuelas room to, as Mateo put it, assert my dominance over her." I laughed now "God that guys a loon." She laughed with me "I know. I dont know what I was thinking when I got with him. He was so cruel to me and insecure about himself."

We laid there for a while, maybe had one more quickie who knows, then Lilah showed up "where'd you go?" Me and Luisa climbed in the car "to get fucking Snoop whos been wandering the damn street for the last two hours." I now noticed him in the front seat "then let's go. We don't have all night." She sighed "well I'm a cautious driver at night, so-" I sighed "then trade me places." She turned to look at me slowly "im sorry what?" I repeated myself "uh no you drive like we got ninty lives." I chuckled "ok and? It makes life fun." She huffed "oh alright fine. Just don't kill us."

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