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You sat on the edge of your bed while you heard the others laughing with Antonio in the living room and you sighed. You didn't mind spending time with Luisa or her family, but sometimes you just wanted alone time. Now wasn't one of those times, but you didn't really want people here either.

"You ok?" It was Antonio "of course I am. Why wouldn't I be?" You flashed him a smile and he smiled back "you just seem different." You chuckled "really? You wouldn't say." You elbowed him a tiny bit in a playful way "Luisa said we shouldn't have barged in on you like this." You shrugged "its just life Toñito. It doesn't always work out for us." He giggled "you should come out and have fun with us. We were trying to build a pillow and blanket fort we could all fit in." You chuckled "maybe I'll have to join. Sounds like I'm missing alot." He rolled his eyes then tugged on your hand "come on. Lets go." You laughed then followed him out to the three sisters who were trying to stack things just right the blankets would stay.

"Here try this." You grabbed a chair then the corner of the blanket and tied it around the chair allowing it to stay up perfectly "and if you tuck this in here..." You tucked the one side of the blanket under the couch cushions "you have two steps done." They stared at you for a moment in shock "what?" You let out an awkward breathy chuckle "how do you know how to do all this? I thought you said-" your face turned pink a little as you looked away from Luisa "how do you think I hid from the cops?" Now Isabella was interested. "Wait you hid from the cops?" You nodded "yeah a few times, but if you guys want this blanket fort done-" she interupeted you "you have to tell us the story." Luisa laughed "what one?" They looked at her "he did it more then once!?" You and her both laughed "yeah. I did it alot actually." Antonio cuddled into Mirabel ready for a story time and you delivered.

As you, Isabella, and Luisa set up the fort you told them stories and every now and then someone would ask a question, so you'd answer. It was normally Isabella asking the questions, but Mirabel and Antonio would ask too.

"Wait, Luisa why aren't you asking any questions? Doesn't this surprise you?" She shook her head as she sat up pillows inside the fort "no. I've asked him all these questions before and he's told me all about what he has and hasn't done." Isa elbowed Mirabel while they both giggled "so you like bad boys?" You were glad you weren't in the fort with them "n-no its not that. I just-" Isa interupeted her once again "right right thats why you're the one dating him not us?" Luis sighed "yeah coming from the one whos dating a twig of a person who's a nerd." You laughed a little at that one "you be quiet out there." She swatted the one blanket and you laughed when it fell on her.

Eventually Mirabel and Antonio fell asleep on Luisa who was also passed out in the fort leaving just you and Isabella awake. "You know, Luisa never stops talking about you. Whever Abuela leaves the room if its just us 'kids' she instantly starts talking about you. She even told us about how she embarrassed herself I think it was yesterday." You gave a small side smile "I honestly don't know how I ended up with her." She rolled her eyes and scoffed "no I'm serious. She's not one to break rules or be like 'we should hide this form people' but she did both those things to make sure she could end up with me who still can't even bring himself to believe that someone like her would like someone like me."

She cocked her head as she looked at you "could be because you've always been wronged by girls or women? Or could it be because you feel like she's out of your league?" You chuckled quietly as she moved Mirabeland Antonioto their own pillows "probably both. I'm gonna go to bed. Night Isa." You went to climb out of the fort when Luisa rolled over and rubbed her eyes not realizing Isabella was still wide awake "where are you going?" You turned and looked at her "to bed. I dont want to intrude on you guys." She pouted "but what if I want you to stay?" Isabella was trying to stay quiet "I-then I guess I'd stay amor." She was definitely still half asleep because tears started to well up in her eyes "then will y-you stay please?" You smiled "of course." You crawled back over to where you were sitting only for her to pull you under the covers with her then cuddle you "goodnight mi amor." You smiled "goodnight mi vida." And just like that she was out like a light again.

That next morning you woke up before the others from someone knocking on your door, so you got up and answered the door.

"Have you seen Luisa, Mirabel, Isabella, and Antonio? They disappeared last night after there was a fight with Abuela and-" you yawned and opened the door a little more to show Julieta, Agustin, Pepa, and Felix that they were all in your living room safe "they showed up here when I was trying to fall asleep last night. They didn't tell me anything other then they wanted to have fun." You yawned again and thats when Julieta noticed the bruise on your forehead "what happened?" She reached for your face and you leaned away from her making her pull her arm away "sorry I didn't know what you were going to do." She just brushed it off "its alright mijo, but what happened?"

You had no clue it was bruised right there "Luisa went to pick me up as a joke and it made me hit my head. You guys can come in if you'd like." There wasn't much room in the house, but they welcomed themselves in.

"Would you guys like anything to eat or drink?" They all agreed on just some coffee or water "here you guys go." You handed them all what they asked for then started to make breakfast for yourself and the others. "Toñito usually likes if you-" Pepa fell silent as she watched you do what Antonio normally likes done with his breakfast "oh how did you know he liked that?" You smiled "Luisa told me." Felix looked at Agustin from around their wives and gave him a thumbs up saying he liked you. "Hey Y/n where's your bathroom?" You looked at Mirabel who was doing a little dance "next to my room." She ran in there and came back a few minutes later "hola mamá, papa."

She grabbed an extra chair ready for breakfast which then gave the parents their cue to leave as Isabella woke up too. "Adios Y/n." You said goodbye to them then sighed before giving Mirabel a plate of food "when did they show up?" You shrugged "I don't know probably ten minutes or so." Isabella sat down ready to eat, so you gave her a plate as well and soon after Antonio sat down ready to eat as well. "Its weird, Luisa is normally the first one up. Y/n did you put a spell on her or something?" You rolled your eyes with a smile "no. I have no reason to do that. I simply just let her cuddle me all night." Isabella laughed "yeah I got a few times because I have a weak bladder and every time I got up you were the little spoon." You rolled your eyes at her then heard Luisa take a sharp breath in then groan signalling she woke.up then you heard her gasp.

"Y/n?" Mirabel and Isabella smirked at you "what Luisa?" She went to say something then fell silent before sighing "can you come here?" Her sisters gave you a concerned look "yeah hold on." You pulled the food off the stove then walked over to her "whats up?" You squatted down so you could see her "can I use your shower?" She was whispering so the others couldn't hear her "yeah, why?" Her face was so red it was ridiculous "I uh...I got blood all over your blankets. I'm sorry. "

Thats all you needed to hear "dont worry about it. It happens. I'll have your sisters-" she shook her head "can you do it? I can tell you where everything is and- I'm just really sorry. This is so embarrassing and I made a mess all over-" you reached in and grabbed her hand with yours "apologize all you want Luisa, but it doesn't change that I'm not mad at you. It happens and you don't need to be sorry for it." She sighed "I know, but-" she put her face in her hand "Y/n we're going to leave." You looked at them as they made sure Antonio was ready to go "ok. See you guys around."

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