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You walked into the small restaurant that sat on the edge of Encanto to get one of the elderly couples, who had a harder time leaving their home, food when the manager ran over to you just after you out in the order "hey its Y/n right?" You looked at her unsure of where this may go "yeah, who are you?" She waved her hand in the air "oh my bad I'm Esperanza, the manager. You're an amazing worker do you think you could work for us?" You shrugged as you sat down in a chair "I don't know. I'm pretty happy with what I'm doing. I've went from helping at just the market to everywhere and in ways I never thought I would, so I'm pretty content." She bit her lip "I'll double your pay, triple it even." You didn't know how to answer. "I uh..." she gave you a hopeful look "I'll get back to you." You looked away from her and she sighed then smirked.

"I want to show you something. Come with me." You didn't move "I'll have to kindly decline." You knew this trick "come on I just want to show you something." She pulled on your hand and you pulled it out of her grip "im sorry, but no thank you. I have to get this somewhere." You grabbed the bag that was sat on the counter since you were the only one there then left as fast as you could to deliver the food then get home to prepare for the dinner you were supposed to go to tonight.

"Where you going?" You had just dropped off the food and was half way home when Mateo stopped you "home. I have to get ready for something important." You went past him and he tripped you when you went by "hey man whats your deal? I haven't done anything to you." He grabbed the front of your shirt "you have something I want." You looked around confused "what do you mean? I don't have anything you want." Mateo was taller then you and built bigger, but that was just genetics on that part "yeah you do." It dawned on you who he was talking about "Luisa?" He dropped you on the ground after he had picked you up to his height "who else and what else?" But how did he find out you two were dating? "Look man I may have liked her, but it was entirely up to her on who she wanted."

He looked down at you then gave you a hard kick to the guts making you lose your breath then he squatted down again "look man" he mocked you "all im saying is leave her alone. Shes mine you got that? She may have chose you to like, but its not like she's dating you, so leave her alone." Ok so he didn't know. Good. "Im not the one who goes to her house everyday. She comes to mine." That was the wrong thing to say because it earned you a punch in the face "look kid I'm highly respected here and everyone knows my name and family. I can ruin you any time I want." You swallowed hard knowing this was going to hurt "I'd like to see you try." He looked at you in disbelief then you head butted him as hard as you could making him fall backwards and you scramble to your feet.

He looked at his hand after touching his forehead where you connected with your own to see blood on his fingers "you little-" he got up and tried to punch you again, but you dodged it and tripped him making him hit the ground and his face on a wheel of a cart "come on fight like a man." He got up and got into a completely wrong fighting stance "trust me you'll lose." He scoffed "I doubt it." You smirked "I dont."


"Somethings wrong. Y/n should be here by now." Luisa sat in your living room with her sisters "im sure everything's fine Luisa. He probably just got a little busy." She bit her lip "I hope so. The last time Mateo talked to me I said I liked someone else and he got mad. He has a record of attacking people over a girl." She gave her sister a questioning glance "how do you know that?" Luisa fiddled with her skirt "Y/n and I broke into the police station in the town Abuela came from and found all his records." Isabellas jaw almost hit the floor "you broke into the police station?" She nodded "yeah. I mean it was only like our third date at the time, but we still did it." She had so many questions for her little sister now.

Back to you...

You waited for Mateo to stand up for the fifth time in the last few minutes and when he did you landed a nasty punch on his nose and another in his temple knocking him down again "by the way uh since I'm the clear winner here um here's some food to help with your injuries and oh one last thing...I've already fucked her, so there's probably not much left for you there. Competition wise anyway." You tossed some of Julietas food to him you kept in your pocket then walked off knowing Luisa was going to ask you endless questions when she seen you. Not just because you had wounds on your face, but because you were late.

You walked into your house and she instantly stood up "are you ok? What happened?" She reached for one of the worst wounds and you shied away from her touch "please dont." She retracted her hand "sorry. They just look fresh and I wanted to make sure they didn't need cleaned." You knew you hurt her feelings when you shied away from her "you can clean them, but let me at least answer your questions first." Isa and Mira sat and watched not realizing how badly a few of the cuts were.

"Damnit that hurt." You hissed and pulled away from her after she dabbed the first cut with some rubbing alcohol. "Quit moving Y/n. I need to clean these." She knew you weren't to into using her mamás food to heal yourself "it burns and hurts. Its a natural human reaction to move away form it." Isa and Mira sat in the couch giggling at the two of you "well if you dont stop moving I'll find a way to make you stop. This is the third time you've moved and this isn't even the worst cut." You sighed "fine I'll try and sit still." She went back in with the cotton ball and touched the cut only for you to move away form it again "ok thats it." She grabbed you, laid you on the floor, and pinned your arms under her legs while she sat on you "now you can't move." Isabella gave Mirabel a look that said 'lets go see.' So they did a few minutes later after hearing you hiss, cuss, and multiple thumps on the floor.

"Luisa what are you doing?" She looked over her shoulder at her sisters "he wouldn't stop moving, so I made him stop moving." You smirked at her form the floor "and you did such a good job of it." She looked at you with a straight face as her face started to turn red "you be quiet." You laughed "why you turning red?" She groaned at you "because your a problem child." Her sisters were almost on the floor from trying not to laugh and having such little oxygen. A few minutes later she let you up then looked at her sisters "tell Abuela he won't be able to make it. Say he's sick or something." They glanced at one another "and what about you? Do we say you stayed behind to take care of him?" She nodded "sure just don't tell her its Y/n. He has some explaining to do on what happened."

Misunderstood Luisa x Male! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now