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The first couple days there people weren't exactly nice to you. The Madrigals being included in that. It made you wonder if they knew your background and the things you've done.

The only one who was nice to you was Luisa...and Antonio, but they still made sure to keep their distance, so you wondered if it was what they did with new people who would just show up randomly. "

Hey." You felt a tug on your pant leg "hm?" You looked down to see Antonio "Antonio?" You heard his family calling them "I dont think your dangerous." Dangerous? What? "Thanks I guess." He smiled, climbed on his jaguar, then left to tell his family all about it.

"Antonio I thought we told you to leave him alone." He went to say something "not just that, but-" he sighed "stay away from him. I know, but-" his mother squatted down in front of him "but nothing Toñito. We don't know everything about him yet." He went to say something, but was pulled into a hug "ok mamà."

Truth be told you had helped a couple people in Encanto since you had been there, but they weren't going to tell the Madrigals that because word of you being 'dangerous' made it around pretty quick.

"Gracias señor." You nodded your head. Your chicken had also got loose again and this time someone caught it and cooked it which upset you to a point, but the damn thing was so old you didn't know how it was still alive anyway.

"Y/n can you-" Luisa walked by and you acted like you were just hesitating at the person's shop "anyway...can you get my cat out of the tree in the center of town? She crawled up there last night and can't get down." You nodded, you had been here a month now "si I can." You went to the center of town and looked up to see a small calico kitten, so naturally you imagined the branch it was on and blinked then was able to grab it, but before you could get yourself down you felt the branch give way under you making you fall several feet down onto the stone walk way.

"That hurt." You groaned, but made sure the kitten was ok and luckily it was "are you alright? That looked like it hurt." You knew that voice "yeah I'm fine." You stood up slowly and felt Agustin grab you and help you stand "what were you doing up there anyway?" You looked at him. "Getting this kitten." You showed him the kitten. "Thats señora Guzmans kitten." You straightened your back and went to take a step, but it was a painful step and Agustin could tell.

"Come on kiddo lets get you fixed." He allowed you to lean on him to walk "here is your kitten Mrs. Guzman." She smiled "thank you deary. Agustin what happened?" He explained it to her and she nodded "you better get him to Julieta."

"Julieta, Mija." She turned in the kitchen to see her husband supporting most of your weight "Agustin mamà will be mad." He nodded "I know, but he's hurt. Its be wrong to just let him be." You don't know what that fall did but you were guessing it had to do with your injuries from when you lost control of the car. "I'll be fine. You don't have to do anything." He sat you down in a chair that Casita brought over "why would we do that?" She brought over an arepa "because you guys don't like me. You've made that clear in the last month." You winced when you tried to adjust yourself in the chair.

"Oh dios mio. Its not that we don't like you its that-" you rolled your eyes "its that I'm 'dangerous'. I know, that's all I ever hear." She handed you arepa "its not that either mijo. My mother Alma is just worried and overthinking everything at the moment. Give her time and she'll warm up to you." You hesitantly took a bite of what she gave you and felt better almost instantly. "I'm going to go now." You got up to leave and just like the first day you were here Casita sat you down in the chair.

"I dont think Casita wants you to go." Agustin chuckled "and Casita knows a good person when it sees one." You chuckled "Casita might, but others dont." You used the 'curse' and got out of there and into the barn where Luisa was restacking the big hay stack that was in there. You decided to just be quiet as to not startle her. Being lonely changes a person.

"Luisa when your done can you rerout the river its starting to flood?" She nodded "yes I will." The man who asked her to rerout the river looked at you "hola Y/n." You waved "hola." Luisa turned to look at you who now sat on the blankets you had been sleeping on "I didn't know you were here." You shrugged "just barely got here." She could tell something was bothering you, but finished what she was doing.

Shewamted to ask whta was wrong, but she didn't want to do something to anger her Abuela, but...she had a million reasons why she should ask if you were ok and only one or two for why she shouldn't. One of them being the last time she asked a guy if he was ok he lost his shit on her. She didn't realize she was staring until you said something.

"Staring isn't nice you know." Her cheeks went pink "I-I know, but-" you interupeted her "and if your wondering if I'm ok like you mumbled a few times, I am." You were definitely not ok, but you weren't going to tell her that, but you weren't going to be shitty to her either. "Oh I said something?" You looked up at her bored out of your mind and slightly mad at everyone "yeah you did. I hope this doesn't seem rude, but why are you always wondering if others are ok?" She shrugged "because I didn't have someone there for me when I needed it most and don't want to see someone else go through it alone." You looked back to the ground "but I also know guys aren't all 'oh let me talk about my feelings.' Kind of people." You laughed at her as she deepened her voice to sound like a guy "some of us are. Just not all of us."

As she stood there and talked to you she eventually sat down next to you, completely forgetting about her other chores. "Ok hold on. You are saying me and my family are made up people played by real people from your world?" You nodded "yeah and there's alot of people who love you guys." Her eyes lit up "really? Even me?" You looked at her with a slight grin "who wouldn't love you? I'm pretty sure there's more people who love you then anyone else." Her face went red "no way." You shrugged "there is a way. Infact its mainly women who love you. Do you know how hard it is to find a good fanfiction about you that isn't shipping you with another female?" She was silent for a moment and it made you realize what you said. "Not-not that I've looked for them, but I have friends that have." She cocked her head "what even are fanfictions?" You couldn't decide if you should lie to her or tell her the truth.

"Uh...its a long explanation." She looked at you with her wide curious eyes, expecting an answer "ok um lets see how could I explain this?" You thought. What's something she liked? "You like Greek mythology right?" She nodded "ok well fanfiction is when you take one of the Greek gods and you, or someone else who likes Greek mythology writes your own book about them. It doesn't always have to be a romantic type of book, it could be any kind, but thats the best I got for an explanation for that." She sat and talked with you for close to three hours, the both of you just enjoying eachothers company and even throwing around a few jokes.

To a point it made you feel like a kid again and you wondered if she felt the same. "This makes me think of when I was kid. Back before I stole and stressed my mom out all the time." A shocked expression crossed her face "you steal?" You shook your head "not anymore. Not since I've been here anyway. No nice cars for me to take for a joyride, but there are kittens to save from trees and trees to fall from." She laughed a little "I used to fall out of trees all the time as a kid. Now I can't even climb them." You furrowed your brows "says who?" She giggled "the trees and their branches." You laughed then the doors flung open "Luisa there you are! We've been looking everywhere for you for the last three hours. The river is flooding and- what are you doing?" It was Mirabel.

"We've just been talking." She stood up from where she sat and approached her sister "but Abuela said-" she huffed "I know what Abuela said, but.." they walked outside so Luisa could take care of her chores leaving you alone with the donkeys once again "it never lasts." You stood up and stretched "might as well see if anyone will hire me or something."

Misunderstood Luisa x Male! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now