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Over the next month or so Mateo attacked me multiple times and it didn't matter if I was in a huge crowd of people or by myself, so Luisa, Isabella, or Camilo started escorting me everywhere which was a but embarrassing, but I was sick and tired of fighting this guy almost everyday.

"You know if you killed him I'd help you hide the body." That came out of no where "really Isa?" She shrugged "what? I would. I hate that guy. Hes started showing up at Casita daily and he just ugh. Its irritating. He's constantly asking for Luisa or asking if we know where she is or-" I sighed "I get it Isa." She huffed then smiled a few minutes later "so...have you guys like you know, had sex?" Why did she want to know this "thats private information." I didnt mean to, but gave her a nasty look "sorry geez. I was just asking because Luisas period was like a week late and she panicked, but when I asked her if you guys had fucked she wouldn't answer me, so I figured I'd ask you." I shot her a glare "she already talked to me about it and once again private information." I grabbed something off a table that needed to be delivered then grabbed Isas arm and blinked taking us right to where we needed to go.

"I just want to know so I can get prepared for a neice or nephew or something." I hissed as Mateo grabbed the small box of stuff from me and purposely cut my arm with a small knife "sorry about that dad. The delivery boy was late." He smirked at me as blood dripped down my arm that I now held "hey that wasnt nice." Isabella went to go after him and I grabbed her "I see your courting her sister now. Was she too much to handle? Too difficult to make love too? Too big for you?" I bit my tongue "or how about-" I let Isa go and she rocked his shit hard before I grabbed her as Osvaldo ran over to his unconscious son on the ground. "That felt great. You shouldn't let him harass you like that. Just beat his ass Y/n." I laughed a little "as much as I'd love to, Luisa would kill me if I got in another fight with him."

She rolled her eyes "as her sister im going to tell you she's getting tired of him too and probably won't get mad at you if you fight him. Especially if he starts it and..." I toned her out not wanting to listen to her rant like she has all day about everything "see you Isa." I jogged off towards my place that Luisa kept building onto and making bigger and bigger until it was snigger then most of the places in Encanto and people started to wonder who lived here.

After a few hours alone and me laying on the floor to stay cool because of the heat I decided I better get ready for the dinner I was supposed to be at tonight with Luisas family since the last one got canceled. Multiple times. Because of me.

As I walked around the house looking for the nicest cleanest shirt I had that wasnt a dress shirt, Luisa showed up, which normally wasn't a problem, but I stubbed the same toe in three different spots and hit my head twice when I tried to grab something and the whole Mateo thing I was still upset about, so I was worked up and anything could make me explode at this point.

"Mi amor what's wrong?" I shot her a glare "nothings going right for me right now, so I'm a bit worked up." My voice came out harsher then I intended "im sorry about that." I gave her a glare "well I dont need your pity right now." She gave me a hurt look "im sorry if I did something to upset you." I sighed "you didn't I just- look Luisa your sister was irritating all day then I had to deal with Mateo harassing me about you and to top it off I've stubbed my toe three times and hit my head twice not to mention i never know when Mateo is going to get ahold of me again so it stresses me out because I'm sick and tired of being attacked by him, so I dont mean to take it out on you, but I cant find my damn shirt im looking for and its pissing me off more and more the lomger it takes to find it and I don't think the dinner is going to go good at all because nothing seems to be in my favor today and now I'm stressing out about that when I shouldn't be."

She just stood there and stared at me allowing me to just go off knowing I needed it "I think you need to sit down and take a breather mi amor. I'll find you a nice shirt to wear and later tonight maybe you'll get lucky and not see me in mine." She placed a kiss on my cheek in a flirtatious kind of way then sat me down on the couch and walked off leaving me to not just cool down, but think about how the dinner was going to go tonight as well as things I could say or do to make sure I won Abuela over more then the last dinner with them.

Not very long after I got sat on the couch Luisa came back with the shirt I was initially looking for in hand "I think you were overthinking everything so much that you over looked this. It was hanging in your closet and was the only one that was this color in there." I took it from her "gracias mi vida. Te quiero, mi amor... más que nada en el mundo." I kissed the back of her hand then slipped the shirt on, ready to face Alma as Luisas boyfriend and not some misunderstood stranger.

Misunderstood Luisa x Male! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now