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I wanted to show him that my family wasn't bad that we, they, misunderstood tio Brunos vision about him and it scared them a little is all.

"I hope you have a nice night." I looked at the ground and started to walk off "I hope you do too. So far you've been the only one who will actually stand and talk to me for longer then just a few minutes. I appreciate it alot actually, so thanks." Ok so maybe I snuck out a few times to talk to him in the middle of the night, but only Dolores knows. I think. "If you want you can come in for a second." Dont say yes dont say yes dont say- "sure. I can't stay too long. Dolores might rat me out."

Luisa you bozo. You have a crush on him and your out here accepting his invitation into his new house, but can't talk to your Abuela? Wow.

"I see your doing better at telling people no." I nodded "yeah I am, but it bothers me not being able to help everyone you know?" He nodded "yeah I get it. I mainly help in the market for the elderly people who honestly need the help or for the younger people that I can see need it, but sometimes I can't help one person then help another or be in two places at once and its always the two that need it the most." I had to agree with him. This happened to me alot. "I also see señora Guzman has taken a liking to you and so has her kitten." He rolled his eyes and smiled "I think she lets that thing out to this point so she can see me or something." I laughed a little "pretty sure that kitten just likes you. Your the only person in town besides me and Antonio that thing hasn't scratched or bitten." He laughed slightly genuinely "is that why she name did Diablo?"

"Yeah it is, it doesn't even like her. I've had to pry it off her arm multiple times because its bit her and won't let go. And that's even with Antonio talking to it." His laugh faded into a smile "you know it actually makes me think of home in a way. My mom got Chicken Strip for me when I was about eight or nine when I started to pickpocket and steal out of peoples purses, well she got her and like ten other chickens for me to see if they'd stop me from doing what I was, but it didn't. C.S. outlived all her buddies and left just me. Well my mom had a love hate relationship with this chicken. I dont know how many times she got her fingers bit and was bleeding or how many times she got striaght up attacked, but I always had to help get the chicken off of her." I laughed. Who knew chickens could be so violent? "You got any new jokes?" I felt my face heat up at the question, so I looked away from him "no I dont. Do you?"

"Whats the difference between a pregnant woman and a light bulb?" I could tell he was unsure on if he should tell this one or not, but I went with it and wouldn't judge him no matter what "I dont know whats the difference?" He nervously started to laugh "you can unscrew a light bulb." It was embarrassing to say I didn't get it at first and he could tell "ok um what could I say to help you understand?" He thought for a moment "ok what are some other ways you've heard people say they had intercourse?" I thought for a minute "oh I get it now." Maybe it was just cause I liked him or maybe its because I wanted him to relaxed, but I found it was actually a little funny.

"Ok how about this? A cowboy walks into a bar and orders a shot he looks over and sees a Mexican who also orders a shot. The cowboy gets his and drinks it before slamming the shot glass on the counterand shouts 'TGIF' then the Mexican drinks his and slamms his shot glass on the counter before shouting 'SPIT' well this goes on for a while before the bartender finally walks over and asks the cowboy 'do you know what TGIF mean?' To which the cowboy replies with 'he'll yes I know what it mean. Thank God its Friday.' So the bartender nods then goes over to the Mexican and asks 'im sorry, but what does SPIT mean?' And the Mexican takes a drink before looking at the cowboy and goes 'stupid pendejo its Thursday.'"

I couldn't help but laugh not only at the joke, but the voices he was doing for each person. "I think my Abuela would like that one." He chuckled "you think so?" I nodded "yeah. You don't mind if I tell her that one do you?" He shook his head with a smile "not at all." We talked for thirty minutes more before I decided I better get home. "I'll see you tomorrow...If that's ok with you that is, I domt what to just show up unannounced, but I also don't want to just say see you tomorrow and instantly think you'll be ok with me showing up." I was starting to get nervous and worried I was rambling or talking too much "its ok. I look forward to seeing you. Considering Antonio always gets caught when he tries talking to me and Camilo has been flying under the radar like a spy."

I have him a surprised/questioning look "he's been talking to you?" He nodded with a chuckle "yeah he has been. Infacts he should be getting here right about-" his front door slammed opened and I jumped "whats up Y/n? How's my main man doi- Luisa!?" He looked from me to Y/n and back multiple times not sure what to make of the situation "I didnt interupt something did I?" Y/n panicked "NO! I mean no you didn't. We were just talking and throwing jokes around." He was on edge now that Camilo was here "are you sure? Cause I can go and you two can have sex or whatever." Oh my God Camilo.

"Luisa was just getting ready to leave, so you can stay." This was beyond embarrassing "uh huh sure. I am however staying though because you make food just as good as my tia." He can cook?

Y/n stood up and escorted me out as soon as Camilo was sitting on the couch. "Im sorry about him." He chuckled "your fine. He likes to tease me like that all the time since Dolores said-" he stopped mid sentence "since Dolores said what?" He scratched the back of his neck "nothing important. You should probably go before Camilo thinks something is going on between us." But what if I want that? "Oh yeah right. See you around." I turned on my heels and started back towards Casita at a pretty fast walk.

Did Dolores tell him about that? I hope not. If she did is that why he was being so weird towards me after Camilo showed up? Or did he maybe feel the same towards me? No Luisa dont get hopeful. He was in your tio Brunos vision and he hurt you in it. Then again he doesn't seem like the person to just hurt someone for no reason without any- I collided with something and hit my head pretty hard.

"Ow." I rubbed my head where I hit it and looked up to see señor Rendons house "Luisa are you alright?" He ran over and helped me up "si. Just bumped my head a little is all." Why was Y/n stuck in my head like this and why do I like him so much? It doesn't make any sense.

Misunderstood Luisa x Male! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now