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d/n = dish name

"Wise men say. Only fools rush in, but I cant help falling in love with you." You rolled your eyes in a playful manner "come on Y/n sing with me." Luisa was out on a jog, her usual lately. "No I'm good." She pouted "please? Just one song?" You sighed "fine."

As Luisa walked through the door she heard music and figured you were watching a movie, but boy was she wrong when she went to walk up the stairs and seen you and your sister having a 'friendly' dancing and singing competition "oh hey Luisa." She waved at Luisa and you faltered in your steps and words making her the winner and you a loser who just stepped on his ankle wrong "Y/n!" Luisa watched you start to go down and was instantly at your side helping you lower yourself into the couch "you ok?" You hissed and nodded "yeah I just stepped wrong is all." You went to stand up and Luisa pushed you back down "hey, im ok. I just need to walk it off." Your sister pulled a face of 'oh he's in trouble' as she left for the kitchen "I dont care. I'm not done looking at your foot." You sighed "dont sigh at me." She was in a bad mood still.

"Whats wrong?" She glanced up at you "nothing." You gave her a 'I know better' look "I know you, whats wrong? You've been like this for the last two weeks. You've barely spoke to me." She sighed "I said nothing, alright? Just drop it." She sat your foot down and stood up "Luisa just talk to me. Whatever is bothering you we can fix it." She fought tears back now "I SAID NOTHING." You flinched as she spun around and looked at you with tears starting to fall from her eyes "besides I dont seem to matter to you anymore anyway." You furrowed your brows as she started up the stairs "what makes you think that?" You took off after her "nothing just leave me alone." You shook your head and stopped her door from shutting "well its something. Im not leaving you alone if I can fix it and make you happy again." You shut her door behind you.

She stared at you a moment and sniffled once "its a stupid reason and im mainly mad at myself for feeling this way, so just let me figure it out on my own." You approached her slowly "I've already let you do that and look where its got us." She sighed as you wrapped your arms around her then she just seemed to break as she cried into the crease of your neck.

"I'm sorry. I really am. I just-" she sobbed "I feel like since we've been with your sister im just a third wheel and im jealous of her for having all your attention 24/7 and I shouldn't be because its really no different then when we w-were in Encanto and you've tried to get me to do things with you two and I wont, so I'm mad at myself for that and I've been taking it out on you and none of this is normal for me and I just have alot of emotions right now." You were able to guide her to the bed where you both sat down and you rubbed her back slowly. You were upset with her actions and how she treated you a few times, but you understood that everyone had a moment like this and you couldn't be at her for it because she wasn't mad at you when you had a moment like this at Encanto.

"Its ok mi vida. I understand. Remember that time in Encanto when I felt the same way over you and Dolores?" She nodded "...yeah" you had laid back on the bed, so it wasn't so uncomfortable for her "you never got upset with me and just explained it'd been a really long time since you had been able to be around Dolores and have fun with her like you were. In the end I felt like an idiot who was being a jerk huh?" She let out a giggle "yeah you did." You kissed the side of her head "so dont feel bad about it. I had my moment and now you are having yours. I understand I have been spending alot of time with my sister, but I haven't seen her in a few years and im also trying to keep her mind off the breakup while also trying to find time for just you and me where she won't intrude on us or follow us somewhere, so if I need to spend less time with her I can. Besides with not knowing how long we're going to be stuck here one of us or both of us need to find jobs soon." She stayed silent for what seemed like forever.

"...you don't need to take time away from her. I can join in on the fun too I just need a little more time to adjust to her." She lifted her head and looked at you "also what job would want me?" You shrugged "I don't know, but I'm sure I could land us one together if you want that or I can at least get you one close to mine." She smiled "I dont care. I just want something to eat. Could you make something?" You chuckled "sure, now go shower. I know thats where you were headed." You kissed her on the lips and she gave a small giggle into the kiss before deepening it then pulling away "im still sorry mi amor. I shouldn't have d-" you kissed her again then kissed down to her neck making her bite her lip before kissing back up to her lips where she licked your bottom lip then your tongues wrestled to see who's was more dominant tonight and she let out a small moan and while you wanted to keep going you needed to part for a breath, but you didn't part for long.

You went back to kissing her and this time when you kissed down her neck you found her sweet spot and continued to give that spot attention while she gave a small moan here or there, but she also surprised you once you moved back to kissing her by kissing down your neck until she found that one spot that drove you nuts. She bit, sucked, and kissed the area until she got what she wanted out of you "mierda Luisa." She smiled at you moaning her name then stood up "I'll be down for dinner soon." She walked out then down the stairs and you followed behind her a few moments later.

You stood in the kitchen throwing together one of your sisters favorite salads as well as one of your favorite dishes, d/n. "Sooo I guess you and Luisa made up?" You glanced at her from the corner of your eye "yeah we did." You heard her let out a snort "I can tell." You looked at her confused until she motioned with her eyes down to your neck "yeah well at least its not like what mom and dad did. Made a baby at grandmas place with her right outside the door." She laughed "true, but like can you hurry up and give me a neice or a nephew please?" You rolled your eyes "thats up to Luisa not me." She held up a finger "oh no its up to you too." You shook your head at her as Luisa turned the corner in some shorts and a tank top.

Reference pic:
Credit to LuisaEnjoyer on Tumblr

Reference pic:Credit to LuisaEnjoyer on Tumblr

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"God damn Y/n..." you sighed at your sister who was now swooning over your girlfriend "shes gonna turn alot of girls gay. Including me." You stopped what you were doing and looked at her "go watch a movie or something. Stop bothering me. Like mierda." She left the room and you went back to what you were doing as Luisa sat down at the lunch counter and watched you.

Misunderstood Luisa x Male! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now