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Small NSFW snippet

"Luisa have you seen my- never mind found it." I grabbed my shirt and put it on in a rush completely forgetting Luisa wasn't here.

"Y/n hurry up and get over here." My daughter who looked almost identical to Luisa grabbed my hand and pulled on it as Mirabel spoke to me "hurry up papi" I chuckled "I am hurrying mija." I picked her up and sat her on my shoulders "there now that you aren't slowing me down." She scoffed "that wasn't very nice papa." I laughed "I was just joking mija."

"Y/N TURN RIGHT HERE." I turned as fast as I could, but collided with Isabella "hey slow down, her and the baby aren't going anywhere. That and if you run into me one more time I'll hurt you." I sat Elena down "sorry I just got-" "Papaaaa come on. I want to see my new brother." She pulled on my hand again "move tia." She shoved on Isa until she moved "excuse me Elena." I chuckled "sorry about her." She shrugged "its alright. Luisa was the same way at her age. She'd get excited then push and shoved without meaning too. She got in trouble with Abuela alot as a kid." I huffed as Luisa yelled for me "im coming." Camilo laughed as he walked by "I hope not. You already have two kids." I smacked him in the back of the head as he laughed some more and took off.

"Hey mi vida, how are you feeling?" She rolled her eyes at me in a playful way "you know I don't take long to bounce back." I sighed "because you push yourself when you dont need to." She backhanded my arm gently "dont rat me out to mamá." I hadn't even realized she was in the room with us "he has a point mija. You need to stop pushing yourself." I looked at Julieta "even if my food heals you completely I don't want you to hurt yourself because your body is still a little weak and tired." She looked at me then sighed "I know, but-" Julieta shoved food in her mouth "no buts mi hija, you need to rest." Agustin, who had walked in mid conversation, nodded in agreement with Julieta "your mother is right amor, you need to rest this time around." She looked at me asking for help in disagreeing with her parents and I looked down at Elena "please Luisa? Remember what happened after you had Elena and you pushed yourself?" She nodded "yeah..." I grabbed her hand "I dont want that happening again."

"Luisa can you-" I shot Osvaldo and Mateo a nasty glare and they fell silent "Luisa there you are. How are you doing?" She smiled at Lilah "im doing great, it feels...weird to rest and have everyone do things for me." Lilah chuckled "well you better get used to it. Especially since Y/n is your husband. Hey, between you and me he low key scares me, so you better listen to him." I don't think they realized I could hear them "hes not that scary once you get to know him." I watched Lilah shake her head as I ran after Elena "well I know that because I've known him for like well over five years now, but since he's became a papa there's something about him thats scary." I grabbed Elena and tossed her in the air before catching her and she giggled the whole time "hey Luisa, the donkeys got out again, do you think you could-" I shot señor Rendon the same nasty glare I gave Osvaldo "never mind-" he spun on his heels "I'll ask Antonio." I watched to make sure he actually left then glanced over at Luisa and Lilah who were both staring at me.

"What?" Luisa had a red face and Lilah was now giggling "n-nothing mi amor, let's just go. Andres is starting to fuss anyway." She ducked her head and took off towards Casita as fast as she could making me raise a brow and follow her after grabbing Elena by the hand "stay here with Abuela Julieta and tia Mirabel ok?" She nodded as I went up the stairs to find Luisa.

"Mi vida?" I poked my head in the room to see Luisa just laying Andres down for a nap "hmm?" She looked at me "did I do something to upset you in the market?" She shook her head as a blush spread across her face again while I closed the door behind her. "No you didn't." She said it so fast I almost didn't hear her "then what did I- Luisa you didn't." She glanced back at me as a small embarrassed smile crept onto her face "I couldn't control it ok? I didn't mean to think you giving señor Rendon that look was hot. Maybe it was your stance or the way you puffed your chest out a little when you gave him that look, but I didn't mean to get all hot and bothered." She crossed her arms as she sat on our bed "you mean this one?" I did the same stance and look before letting out a quiet chuckle "...yeah" I stepped towards her and placed myself between her legs. "If you want me just say so." I kissed her neck where I knew it bothered her then stepped back, but she grabbed my hand.

NSFW snippet below this

"Ai Y/n-" she grinded her hips into my hand as I teased her with my fingers "come on baby what do you want?" She whined "please not today Y/n." I shrugged "ok" I entered her with two fingers then curled them slowly "ai papi-" I raised a brow at her "really now?" She bit her lip as I sped up my curling motion "be quiet mi vida, you don't want to alarm anyone." I leaned down and kissed her and she moaned into it as I reached down with my other hand and started to rub circles on her clit only making her moan into the kiss louder "come on baby I know your close..." I kissed her neck then nibbled at it a little before I felt her walls tighten on my fingers and I felt her body shake they tiniest bit "God Y/n." I chuckled as I liked off my fingers "you need more time to recuperate before you get the full thing."


"Hey baby!" Elena ran over and I picked her up before spinning with her "why did I have to stay with Abuela and tia?" I sighed "because mamá and papa had to talk about what to get you for your birthday." Her eyes lit up "really?" I nodded "yep and guess what? We decided to get you that doll in the market, but you don't get it until Saturday ok?" She nodded excitedly "ok! Gracias papi." She hugged me then wiggled until I sat her down and she ran off to most likely find Camilo or Isabella.

As I stood in the shower that night I thought about our wedding day.

"Y/n, dude pay attention." I looked up from the ground to see her coming down the isle and felt tears prick my eyes. "Your absolutely gorgeous mi vida." I grabbed her hands in mine as I watched her wipe tears from her eyes then one from mine "and you look absolutely handsome." I smiled as did she "do you Y/n L/n take Luisa Madrigal to be your lawfully wedded wife?" I took a deep breath "I do." The pastor turned to Luisa "and do you Luisa Madrigal take Y/n L/n to be your lawfully wedded husband?" She nodded "I do." He looked out at everyone "anyone who doesn't agree may speak now or forever-" Isabella sighed "get past this! Everyone already agrees!" Everyone laughed "you may now kiss the- groom?" Luisa grabbed me and pulled me into the kiss, taking me and others off guard.

That night as we laid in bed cuddling she bit her lip "Y/n?" I hummed "are you awake?" I laughed "yeah I am. Whats wrong?" I heard her take a deep breath "I uh, what would you do if I was...pregnant?" I sat up and looked at her as she rolled onto her back "I wouldn't care and I'd help you take care of the kid and yourself, why?" She bit her lip "because I took a few tests and they all came back positive." I watched a million emotions flood her face "and I was worried to tell you before we got married, but I felt guilty telling you after, especially if you didn't want to be a dad or ever have kids, but I also-" I hugged her "I will stick by you no matter what Luisa, ok? I've told you that before and I'll keep telling you until the day I die. Even if I didn't want kids and you did I'd still give them to you. Especially if it made you happy." She hugged me back then started to cry "im sorry I didn't tell you sooner." I gave her a squeeze.

"Dont apologize mi vida. It's ok. You understood me the most when others didn't and gave me a chance when everyone else didn't want to. I was misunderstood until you proved them wrong about me, so no matter what happens I will always make sure you aren't misunderstood like me."

Sorry for going MIA for a while, but I guess this is where I say goodbye to all of you who have been reading this because this will be the last part of this story, but I do have my Luisa Oneshots book where there is some Luisa x Male reader oneshots and you can request one if you'd like, so for now this is goodbye to most if not all of you.

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