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As I took a break between chores I noticed how busy Y/n was today. He was always in a different spot every 5-10 seconds and he looked exhausted, so once he was away from some of the people who always talk to my Abuela I approached.

"Y/n." He turned to look at me "yeah what do you need?" He realized it was me a moment later "oh hey Lu whats up?" He sat something down at a booth "you need to take a break." He glanced at me over his shoulder knowing I was right "im ok Luisa. I'll be fine until I go home." I watched as someone piled things into his arms "heres this too Y/n. As a reward." A lady went to hand Y/n a package of Chocolatina Jet (type of Colombian candy bar) when she realized how full his hands and arms were "I'll just come back for it. Gracias-" she waved her hand in the air "nonsense. Here." She put the end of the package in his mouth "then that way as soon as you sit everything down you can put it in your pocket." He only smiled and thanked her.

Since I was talking to Y/n he didn't use his gift or as he calls it 'curse' "Luisa?" I looked at him "can you take this?" He motioned to the package of candy bars in his mouth "yeah, but only if you'll take a break." I heard him sigh "I cant right now. I just need to do- what are you doing?" He stopped when I stepped infront of him then I leaned down to be even with his face "I need to get this done. Its hurting my arm because something is digging into it." I reached for something to help him and he leaned away from me "you are on break. Absolutely not." I huffed as he walked around me then I got an idea.

When he stopped at his friend Lilahs booth to drop off her items she needed I decided to put my idea into play there. "Hola Lilah!" I walked up next to Y/n "hola Luisa! See anything you like?" I looked around at her table full of earrings and some other jewelry "not today. Atleast nothing on your table." She caught my drift and smiled "Y/n?" He turned, but didnt look at me since he was opening a cady bad "yeah?" I was glad he didn't have anything in his arms at the moment. "Can I have some of your chocolate?" Lilah knew we were dating and has seen us be a little mischievous together multiple times. Shes even provided us a place to hide when my Abuela appears out of thin air it seems like. "Of course, here." as he gave me the ok I glanced around to make sure no one was looking and I continued to after he took a bite.

Call me odd all you want, but I figured out that when Y/n eats anything sweet he takes a bite out of it then sucks on it or just holds it in his mouth, so my plan was/is to kiss him and try stealing it from him because knowing him he'll say something about how we're in public then sit down somewhere where he'll talk to me for the next 10-15 mins without anyone being able to see us together. Why this was my idea I dont know because I know there are better ways then this to get him to take a break, but it didn't really cross my mind until after the fact since I was so nervous about this in the first place. Usually I think about everything and better ways, but there was just something that felt different and exciting that I couldn't ignore about this idea when it crossed my mind.

I realized he was staring at me with a worried expression after a few minutes and so was Lilah "you ok? You zoned way out just now." I blinked and just looked at him. I didn't know what to say or do. "I uh I-I..." all I remember is Y/n yelling my name as I hit the ground and things went black.

"What happened again?" That was mamás voice "she asked for some of this and I told her yes then her face just went blank and she just kind of stood there quietly for a few minutes then when I asked her if she was ok she tried to answer me, but couldn't then fell. Had Lilah not been there we wouldn't have been able to get her here." I opened my eyes slowly and looked around not knowing where I was "Luisa?" I couldn't get my eyes to focus where I needed them to for a while and I had a horrible headache "mamá?" She took my hand in hers "what happened to cause this?" I got my eyes to focus on her "I didn't drink anything today. Not since this morning." She sighed "Luisa mija you can't do that. Especially not now with the heat." I sighed knowing I shoulce took care of myself better "I know, but I just got so busy I forgot to stop and drink something." She hugged me "im just happy your ok. Now eat this to help with the headache." She handed me a cookie "gracias mamá."

After she left the room I looked at Y/n who had been standing in the corner of the room the whole time "are you mad at me?" Why did I ask that? He looked at me then looked away "no." He sounded different "I didnt mean to ask that." I heard him sniffle "your fine. I was just worried about you." He kept his arms folded and he stayed in the corner if the room "is that why you crying?" He looked up at me and wiped his face "I wasn't crying." I smirked "you sure? Because I dont care if you were. You don't have to be tough for me to like you." He sighed and I watched his whole body shudder. Was he getting sick again? "I know, but you hit your head pretty hard when you fell. You've been out for the last week." That couldn't be possible "I dont think I have." He nodded "well you have and I've been worried about you, so please make sure you drink something everyday." He didn't like when he was like this, but I did. It was the true him. "I will. Only if you promise to take breaks with me, so you don't get sick so often." He smiled and walked over to me "deal."

Misunderstood Luisa x Male! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now