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"Fresh meat!" You looked up from where you sat to see the bus pulling in meaning a new person or new people. "Looks like a few people. You know how they like to cram them on one seat." One of your friends elbowed you in a playful way. "Heh...yeah." you had met way to many people that were here because of others. People who didn't deserve to be here. You watched the bus and at one point you could see it wasn't multiple people, but didnt say anything.

"Ay yo Y/n no reaction?" You cleared your throat and looked at Bubba "I didn't hear you." He shrugged "its no big deal." A small crowd gathered where it would be stopping and soon it did. "Move." A girl shoved you and you rammed into Bubba "hey watch it." Bubba stood you up straight and cussed the girl "I dont have to do anything. You know girls run this camp and they'll work you till you pass out if you do anything to me." She was right. Girls got the best treatment here unless you found a way to sleep with the warden then you got special treatment.

"Everyone move out. You know the rules." Everyone groaned, but went back to what they were doing "Y/n can you tell us another story? Like when you stole that car? Not like this last time, but you know..." there was always one group of girls you could never get off your back and they were obsessed with you and you never understood why. "I dont know. I've been getting in trouble for telling you guys stories." One girl bit her lip "I like that in a man." You rolled your eyes "then I'm not the one you should be chasing. Snoop is the guy your after." Nicknamed snoop because he had a habit of being able to snoop on someone and find very very fragile and important information out. Not after Snoop Dogg.

"Come on please? Just one more story then we'll start chasing him instead." You sighed knowing you couldn't escape them "ok let me think...the first time I ever stole a car I was fourteen and my parents had just got done teaching me to drive, so I found the neighbors house that horded vehicles and went for...it." You trailed off as the new girl stepped off the bus. She was huge. Not in a heavy type of way, but a tall muscled goddess way. You couldn't take your eyes off her. She had a gorgeous face to top it all off and such a kind smile when she threw one out there to someone. This girl has to be in the wrong place because of someone else. "Y/n? Hello?" The one girl waved her hand in front of your face and snapped you back to reality "sorry I got distracted." You eyed the new girl a second longer before looking back at the others who surrounded you "anyway..."

You told them the story and about half way through the councilors came through "everyone lest go. Tents now. That means you too Y/n, come on move it people." You all got up and went to the tents where we were told the same thing we normally were when a new person arrived.

"Ok we all know the drill. Line up and lets see where the empty beds are. Our new trouble maker will need two mattresses." She laughed "thats what she gets for being so big. Y/n you will find two mattresses for her." You looked at the others confused as to why it had to be you to always do the dirty work "come on move it. Get the mattresses." She grabbed you by the back of your shirt and shoved you "ok fine. Don't touch me."

"Mrs. Sir will be your counselor. I am Mr. Ma'am. You call us both by our names unless given the ok not to." Luisa nodded confused on who would be so ok being named those things "here we don't really care what you do and we mix both girls and boys here, but whatever you do don't get pregnant and don't fight too much." She nodded again "we don't have anything for girls that will fit you at the moment, so here's some men's clothes. This pair is for working, this pair is for relaxing, and this is just an extra pair for when your work ones get washed and your relaxation ones become your work ones. Here is your counsel- oh your not Mrs. Sir why are you here?" You looked around the room a little having not been there since you arrived nine months ago.

"She sent me to pick up the new camper. Shes dealing with two of the bunkmates that got into a fight." He nodded "ok very well. Show her around too if you dont mind." You looked up at her suddenly feeling tiny "but first there's a room over there you can change in." She didn't show it, but she took a liking to you. There was just something about you and she couldn't put her finger on it.

When she finished changing she walk out gently pulling on the sleeves that were obviously to tight for her arms as was the rest of the outfit "ok Chicken take her with you." You sighed at the use of the nickname he and your counselor had given you "why do they call you Chicken?" She waited until you were showing her around to ask "its...its a stupid reason." You usually tried not to talk much "whats the reason?" You looked up at her "do I have to tell you?" She fell silent for a moment "...well no, bu-" you looked back to thenground as you walked "but nothing. I dont have to tell you, so you can stop asking."

"I didnt mean to upset you." You glanced up at her and seen her hurt expression 'don't say sorry dont say sorry.' You sighed and pushed away your thoughts "look im sorry ok? After you've been here so long you become irritable over dumb things." She shrugged "its ok. I understand, I really do." You decided it was time to change the subject.

"That is the mess hall, thats the cafeteria, those are all campers tents, those are the counselors places, that is the wardens place, and these are the showers. If you are nervous about people seeing you practically naked you better get over that nervousness quick. They split girls and boys up to shower, but as far as I'm concerned the girls here are-" she looked down at you and accidentally sent you a glare "never mind." She realized what she did "arrepentido I didn't mean to glare at you." You shrugged "its whatever. Be careful using that language around here and be careful apologizing. It'll get you in more trouble then anything else will here...well the apologizing will. Heres our tent." You stopped in front of it then seen the goeup.if girls from earlier spot you and start approaching "I'll show you your bed come on." You rushed into the tent and she followed.

"Hello gorgeous." Her face went red "this is your- who the hell did this?" You spun around on your heels to see Bubba laughing "sorry man we think its about time you have someone sleep next to you. Your always so lonely over there in the corner." You pinched the bridge of your nose "not that. Who moved my bed away from the wall of the tent?" Bubba motioned towards Kaylee and you sighed "anyway, this is your bed...what are you doing?" She stood up straight "I was going to fix your bed." You shook your head "its no use. It takes alot of people to move one of those frames, so don't bother." She went to argue, but Bubba spoke up from the other side of the room "dont argue with him. You'll only piss him off. He hasn't been the same since his 'girlfriend' cheated on him two months ago."

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