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"Luisa will you marry me?" You mentally scolded yourself for doing one of your accents, but that was the whole point of this 'practice run' as Camilo called it. It was to get all your nerves out before dinner tonight. Everyone except Luisa knew you were going to propose, but you just hoped you didn't mess anything up or that Dolores didn't slip up about it.

"Y/n, Luisa its time for dinner." You sighed knowing full well where this make out session was headed and you were looking forward to it "just a minute!" Hold on what? "Luisa what are you doing?" She smirked "buying us some time, so we have to be fast." I shook my head. "No. We can wait until after dinner." She pouted "please? Just this once mi amor." You sighed once more "fine, but if we get walked in on its on you not me." As you picked up where the two of you left off a knock on the door came "come on you two. We don't have all night." You chuckled "ok Luisa let's just do this later." You stood up "why do they always have to ruin all the fun?" You opened the door and walked out as Luisa grabbed your hand in hers "you've been different lately." She looked at you with one brow raised "what do you mean?" You shrugged "I don't know just different. Like you're happier and quite...active." she blushed at the last statement "which is nothing to be ashamed about, but I'm running out of fuel between work and you."

"Sorry." You squoze her hand a little "dont be. Its all part of life." She smiled at you warmly "you always say that." You giggled "I know, but its true isn't it?" She nodded "well yeah, but still." You elbowed her in a playful way "ok love birds get a room! Yuck." Camilo gagged at the two of you "we weren't even doing anything." Even the family took your side on that one "all they were doing was holding hands." He scoffed "and flirting!" You watched Bruno roll his eyes "your just over exaggerating kid, trust me I should know." Camilo looked down knowing full well his tio had a point.

After dinner you flopped onto the bed "you know I have to go back to my place tonight right? I need to check up on things there and get some clothes." Luisa just looked at you as she walked by into the bathroom. It was also this moment you realized you forgot to propose and no one reminded you either. "Y/n can you come.down here for a minute!" You groaned not wanting to get up because you were comfortable "I heard that!" You got up and looked over the railing outside Luisas room "what?" Isa held up her hand and motioned to her ring finger "you forgot to put a ring on it." You felt around in your pockets "I dont have it on me either." You watched them all face palm "your just a mess tonight." You nodded "yeah I know." Casita made stairs so they could help you look for it "Y/n?" What now? "Uh yeah Luisa?" You heard the bathroom door open and looked over to see Luisa step out in a towel "whats this?" She held up the very thing you had been looking for "uh..." you looked at the others for help.

"Thats his uh..." Isabella looked at Dolores who couldn't come up with anything "can-can I see it for a second?" She handed you the box and you made sure the ring was in it before kneeling down on one knee. "Luisa Madrigal I would like to uh..." you heard more people shuffle into the room "ask you for not only your hand in marriage, but for you to make me the happiest man in Encanto, so Luisa will you marry me?" She stared at you in shock as tears filled her eyes "o-of course I will." You stood up and she pulled you into a hug and a kiss as her family cheered then left to give you both some privacy "sorry for the odd timing. I forgot to ask you at dinner." She laughed as she wiped a tear from her eye "its all part of life Y/n." You gave her an unamused look "oh haha very funny. That's my line thanks. Now go shower." You walked over and sat on the edge of her bed feeling like it was just yesterday you showed up here and Abuela didn't approve of you.

As you sat on the bed you noticed a bag that wasn't ever there before sitting on her dresser and after staring at it for a while curiosity got the best of you. As you just did a quick peek into the bag at first you didn't see anything alarming or that should be hidden, but upon closer inspection you found two boxes that had been covered with the other objects inside the bag. At first you figured it was just her way of hiding the condoms from Antonio and immature Camilo and that's what you told yourself, but once again curiosity got the best of you.

You moved a few of the things out of the way and found a box of your favorite sweets making you smile then you moved a few of the other things and found a box that made your heart drop, a pregnancy test box. "Dios mio. Luisa talk to me about this soon please." You covered them back up exactly how you had found them and sat back down on the bed. It'd been about a month or so since you returned from your world, so it was a possibility and it would explain why she was so sexually active/horny lately. "Dont jump to conclusions. The box wasn't opened give her time."

"Hey I figured you would've went home by now." You shrugged "pretty sure this is home too." She laughed "no I was just waiting on you to get out of the shower so I could say goodbye, so adios mi diosa." She blushed as you walked over and pecked her on the lips "adios mi rey." You left but all night your mind wandered back to the same questions and thoughts, 'did I mess up? Am I going to be a dad? What am I gonna do? Me and Luisa haven't spoke about kids before.'

Misunderstood Luisa x Male! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now