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I was right and around a day later Abuela was at my door questioning me and I answered her honestly, but she wouldn't accept some of my answers.

"You were sick?" Dont say it Y/n, don't say it. "Yeah I was." She didn't believe me and I could tell before she even said anything "but Julieta could've made you better." I sighed "look if you dont believe me ask Luisa. She seen me yesterday when she had to move something for me." She just looked at me then turned and walked off "good talk." I shut the door and sighed then got ready to go to the market. I was off today too just for good measure, but I needed some things of my own for at home and for Luisa.

"Hola Y/n. How are you feeling today?" I shrugged "hola, better then yesterday thats for sure. Do you have anymore of the earings you were selling two days ago?" She looked through a box before pulling a pair out "these ones?" I nodded "yeah. I'll take those." She smiled and handed them to me as I got my money out "who's the special lady?" I felt my face heat up "no one in particular." She hummed with a smirk "I dont believe you. Very few like or can wear these or afford them. Who are they for?" Lilah was my best friend at the market and has been the one to always treat me nicely since I very first arrived here. "It doesn't matter." She squinted at me "is it Mirabel?" I gave her a funny look "no, why would you think that?" She shrugged "just a guess. I will fin-" she fell silent when she watched me watch Luisa walk by.

"Dude shes so out of your league." I rolled my eyes and looked at her "tell that to her not me." Shock went across her face "no way." I chuckled "you can't tell anyone got it? If her Abuela finds out, I'm dead." She nodded "you got it. Why would she kill you?" I sighed "its a long story. I'll tell you another day." She gave me a thumbs up as I left to my next stop. I went to a few other places to get food or anything else I needed then ran everything home before going to Casita.

I had to sneak in since Abuela was there and I was really hoping she wouldn't notice me and if she did I could play it off as Camilo. I managed to not get caught sneaking up the stairs, but as I went to open her door a shadow fell over me making me freeze and turn around slowly "come with me." I was suddenly pulled by Bruno towards his room "wait I have to-" he shook his head "we don't have time. Come on." I followed him and right before his room he went behind a painting on the wall then motioned for me to follow him, so I did. "Why did you want me to follow you?" He picked up a pile of his visions "thats alot." He nodded "I know, but I need to look at your hands and arms." Im sorry what? "Why?" He sighed "I need to see if they match the details in all of these." I glanced around his little hide away room "ok, but-" he waved his hand infront of my face."dont ask why just let me see." This was weird.

He inspected my hands and my arms all the way up to my shoulders "we have the wrong person. You don't hurt Luisa someone else does." Now it all made sense "oh ok. Can I go back to what I was doing then?" He nodded, so I left and finished what I was doing which was leaving her earings with a little note on her pillows before leaving Casita without getting caught. Not by Abuela at least. I did however run into Agustin and Felix.

"Hey Y/n what are you doing here?" I didnt know what to tell them "I uh...I was leaving Luisa a gift in her room." Felix playfully hit Agustin in the shoulder "see I told you he was a good kid." Agustin gave him a funny look "I never said he wasn't. Besides I know he's a good kid because the other day when I fell and broke my ankle he helped me get to Julieta." They walked away while talking and I just stood there watching them a moment before walking home.

Later that night as I laid in bed I felt like something was just off about the day. Nothing seemed to add up. From Felix and Agustin just brushing me off to me being able to sneak in so easily. It just...wasnt right to me. Then Luisa didn't come see me tonight like normal and Pepa just about had a hurricane, so whatever happened just- a knock suddenly came at my door and I sighed before getting up.

"Yeah?" I only had on pajama pants "can we have a sleepover?" It was Antonio "uh...whos we?" I ran my fingers through my hair and leaned on the door frame with my arm above me "all of us." Some of his animal friends came into view, but so did Mirabel, Isabella, and Luisa. They were all in their night wear "I dont know." He looked back at the others before Luisa started to walk forward "please?" He looked at me with puppy eyes before Luisa got up to us "I-I don't know if I have the room for everyone is all." I scratched the back of my neck right as Luisa got up to us "for me?" I took a big inhale of air as I looked at her "why do you guys want to have a sleepover?"

Mirabel suddenly appeared just over Luisas shoulder "because we want to have fun and Antonio wouldn't take no for an answer on staying behind." I understood and sighed before looking at Luisa who was giving me a pouty face making me blush and look away from her before moving away from the doorway "ok fine. Everyone get in here before I change my mind." What did I get myself in to?

"Thanks Luisa." Mirabel patted her shoulder "for what?" She looked at her from where she stood next to me "being able to get your way with your boyfriend." I sighed as I looked at everyone stuffed into my tiny house "I know there's more to this." I looked up at Luisa who averted her eyes as her one started to twitch "and why are you nervous?" I walked towards my bedroom to grab blankets and pillows and she followed me "b-because I still feel bad about teasing you yesterday." I paused in my actions and looked at her around my closet door "dont worry about it." This girl is something else sometimes "but-" I placed a kiss on her lips "no buts. Just relax and have fun. Here." I handed her some blankets and pillows then grabbed some more before closing door "here let me-" I turned my back to her so she couldn't take the things I had in my hand "sorry, but no."

I went to step out of the room and she suddenly hoisted me up making me hit my forehead on the door way. "Ow!" She went to let go of me "dont fuckin drop me!" I grabbed onto her night shirt scared to hit the ground from her shoulder height "sorry, sorry, sorry." She sat me on the bed then examined my head as the others walked into the room "whats going on in here?" They spotted the red welt showing up on my forehead "ouch, what happened?" I looked at Luisa who was almost in tears after I practically yelled at her for almost dropping me "an accident is all."

Isabella narrowed her eyes at me "I heard a yell. Did you yell at her?" I shook my head "not on purpose." Protective older sisters man. They can be the worst. "What do you mean not on purpose?" I was too tired to do this right now "he means I almost dropped him and it scared him, so he accidentally yelled at me and-" Isa stuck her hand up and Luisa fell quiet "just get out here so we can have fun." The others had picked up all the blankets and pillows luckily.

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