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I found work at the market as someone who helps load the wagons which meant I had to memorize the market quickly to be abel to use what Luisa told me is my gift to bounce around from booth to booth. It was tiring, but it gave me something to do during the day.

"Hola Y/n." I waved at Osvaldo "hola Osvaldo." I knew he was going to ask me to help him load his wagon "what do you have today?" He told me everything he had from this booth as I loaded it into the wagon. "Flowers?" He nodded "si. To talk to Abuela about one of my sons marrying one of her granddaughters." He seriously wasn't going to ask for Luisa was he? "Oh what one?" He chuckled "Luisa. Shes a very good worker and would compliment my oldest son nicely." I really didn't like Osvaldo and now I was starting to not like his oldest son either.

"Oh my gosh I'm sorry." I 'accidentally' knocked the flowers off the wagon and stepped on them "its quite alright. I didn't pay for them anyway." Time to come up with a new plan. Wait...why did I care who she was married too? I could go back home any minute, so why does it matter?

"I wish you the best of luck." I really didn't. I really hoped she didn't like his son or her Abuela just didn't like Osvaldos family. "Gracias." He left and I rolled my eyes "you only want your son to marry her so she can tend to your every need and do everything for you. 'She's a good worker and would compliment my oldest son.' Your oldest thats worked to be more successful than you and do everything for you? I hope Alma doesn't like your family." I heard someone let out a chuckle behind me as I sat on some empty crates next to one of the most popular booths "how do you know all that? Do you have super hearing too?" I looked at Dolores "...no?"

She smiled letting me know she had been slightly joking "its ok I know how you feel about Luisa. I hope Abuela doesn't like his family either." Hold up- "what do you mean you know how I feel about Luisa?" She looked around as if to make sure no one was around "I know you like her. Thats why you got jealous and destroyed Osvaldos flowers." I scoffed "I didn't get jealous. I also don't like Luisa like you claim." She gave me what I thought was a kind smile as I took a drink "then why do you masterbate while thinking about her?" I almost spit my water everywhere. This bitch was ruthless.

"Ok fine, so I have a small crush on her so what?" She spotted someone and kept an eye on them "talk to her more. I wont say anything...dont tell her I told you this, but she thinks your hot." Me? What about me is hot? "Ok." What else could I say to- and shes gone. I watched her disappear into the crowd and it left me to think about everything she said.

As the day market started to close I felt miserable. Sleeping on something I didn't find comfortable, then having to work from just after sunrise to just before sunset was hard. Using my families curse is what took the most energy and tired my entire body out so bad "Y/n?" I stopped and turned around "my kitten is stuck in the tree again do you think you could get her for me?" I nodded "yes Mrs. Guzman." She took me to the tree it was normally stuck in and I did my thing only I ended up on the wrong branch on the other side of the tree, so I tried imaging next to the kitten, but my mind went back to what Dolores said earlier right as I blinked putting me in the Madrigals home as they were eating dinner "what are you doing here?" Mirabel who I almost landed on asked "I'll just go." This time I got it perfect and found myself next to the kitten and grabbed it before ending up next to Mrs. Guzman "here you go. Try not to let it get away again ok?" She chuckled as she kissed its head "I'll try."

At this point I was sure she let it get out on purpose just to have me help her. "Hello señora Luisa. What are you doing out at this time?" I walked down the hill towards the barn "I'm looking for Y/n." Dont get hopeful. "He shouldn't be far. He just helped me get Diablo out of the tree." I heard her thank Mrs. Guzman then she must've spotted me and jogged to catch up "hey hold on." I stopped "what?" She rubbed the back of her neck and I stared at her bicep a moment "my Abuela will kill me if she knows I did this, but come with me." She turned and started to walk off "where are we going?" She shrugged "you'll see just come on." I hesitantly followed her "you aren't going to murder me are you?"

She looked over her shoulder at me "not today no." I was glad she caught I was joking "ok good. I'm finally winning people over." She stopped just before we went into the forest "wait here." I was confused "o...k?" She walked into the trees and came out a few minutes later carrying a small house then sat it down infront of me "this is yours." Did she build this herself? "Oh uhm thank you. I didn't expect to get a house." She held out the keys to me "I tried my best to build it how I thought you'd like it."

So she did build it herself. I wanted to go home, but I also wanted to stay here. Then again I dont even know how I got here or if there is a way home.

"I got your stuff from the barn too. It's washed and clean and in on the bed. All of it." That means she seen 'the sock' "thank you again Luisa. Why did you do all this?" She shrugged "because its not fair how my Abuela has been to you lately. I also don't think what my tio Bruno seen is entirely there either." I wanted to ask what he seen, but decided against it. "I've been working on this late at night to make sure my Abuela didn't know about it. I can put it wherever you want." I really didn't want her moving it again. Especially when she was supposed to be getting ready for bed "here is fine." She furrowed her brows "are you sure? I can move it over there or over there or right there would be a good spot." Where she pointed to last did seem like a better spot...

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