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That was different. I definitely wasn't expecting a tickle attack then her dad to walk in and think the worst yesterday, but such is life. I just hope she didn't get in trouble.

I spotted her and waited for her to look at me before I waved at her with a smile and she sent a smile and a wave back my way as she moved one of the bridges. How did I end up with her?

"Hey Y/n wait up!" I stopped and turned to look at her while holding a giant basket of flowers "yes?" She seemed unsure of what she was going to say "I uh..." she took a deep breath then let it out "I may or may not have spoke to my Abuela and got her to have you over for dinner. I didn't mention that we are dating or that we've been talking, but it wasn't just me who persuaded her so nothing seemed suspicious. My mamà and papa helped too as did tio Felix and tio Bruno and my cousins" I chuckled at her as she remembered everyone who helped slowly "tonight or...?" She nodded "yeah tonight. If thats ok with you. I should've checked first." I rolled my eyes "its ok. It was bound to happen eventually." She sighed "I know, but-" I leaned up as far as I could and kissed her "its ok I promise." Her face went beat red and her hand raced to her lips "why'd you do that?" I shrugged "to make you stop apologizing. I know you feel bad for it and won't stop apologizing for not checking with me first for the next few days, so I might as well give you something else to think about. Now if you'll excuse me I have to deliver this basket of flowers to the church."

Don't get me wrong I wanted to have dinner to chang Almas mind about me, but if she wasn't ready to try and let me or us change her mind then why persuade her into doing it? Especially over dinner.

Fast forward to tonight and I was nervous. Alma is an intimidating person and she sent Isabella to accompany me to their home, so if anything happened she could stand her ground.

"So I heard about you and Luisa hanging out. What's your plans with my sister?" I raised a brow and looked at her "...nothing, we just talk here and there." She had to know more then just that "oh really? Then why is she at your place almost every night?" I told you. "I dont know. Usually she just comes to talk." She gasped all dramatically "Usually? What else do you do with her?" My face went red at the thought of what could be going through her head "its nothing like that. Sometimes she just shows up and sits in silence." She looked at me "sometimes? What else do you-" I interupted her "we don't do anything you're hinting at. Almost every single time she comes over its because she needs someone who isn't family to talk to. Any other time she just wants to sit in silence."

She narrowed her eyes at me then looked away and kept walking. "You don't plan on hurting her do you? Like make her think you care then stab her or something?" I sighed. This is going to be a long night. "Trust me if I was going to do that I would've already. I have no reason to ever do anything to her. Especially since-" how could I cover up this one? "Especially since what?" I thought quickly "especially since we are such good friends. I know alot about her and she knows pretty much my whole life story, so yeah." She could tell I was nervous and I could see it in her eyes "your dating her aren't you?" I looked away from her "ha! You are! Good news is...I actually think your pretty cool just won't show it infront of the family." Shes never been around me though, but has Luisa been talking to her about me? "We're here." Casita opened the doors and I walked in behind Isabella "hey Y/n." Camilo gave me a high five like he always does before slapping me on my back as hard as he can then taking off "hello to you to Camilo."

Luisa gave me her normal kind smile only it was laced with a little bit of excitement this time "hola Y/n." I looked down at Antonio "hola Antonio." I noticed Alma watching me as I made my way to the table where plates with food on them were already set out. I was placed between Mirabel and Isabella with Luisa on the other side of Mirabel.

As we ate I was of course asked questions which I didn't mind answering so long as they weren't too personal and Camilo was really pushing his luck at the moment. "Y/n if you could date anyone in the-" his mother shot him a glare and he fell silent "so Y/n I heard you tell jokes?" She (Alma) said it as more of a question "uh si I do occasionally." She hummed "do you have any I might like?" The family was on edge and it was an easy thing to see, but the more she spoke to me the calmer they got "I dont know. None of them are really appropriate for Antonio to hear." I watched Luisa go to say something then fall silent "I do however might have one. I've had a few people tell me you might like it." Luisa told me that she never told Alma this one yet.

"I think this is how it goes. I seem to tell it a little different every time." I took a deep breath then let it out "a cowboy walks into a bar and orders a shot he looks over and sees a Mexican who also orders a shot. The cowboy gets his and drinks it before slamming the shot glass on the counter before shouting 'TGIF' then the Mexican drinks his and slamms his shot glass on the counter before shouting 'SPIT' well this goes on for a while before the bartender finally walks over to the cowboy and asks 'do you know what TGIF means?' And the cowboy replies with 'hell yes I know what it means. Thank God its Friday.' So the bartender nods then goes over to the Mexican and asks 'what does SPIT mean?' And the Mexican takes a drink before looking at the cowboy and goes 'stupid pendejo its Thursday.'" Dolores let out a quiet laugh and the test if the family did too unsure if they should actually laugh or not until Alma smiled and chuckled a little "that is a good one." I also let go of a breath I didn't know I was holding.

"From what I understand there are peices of Brunos vision missing and from what I've been told you are quite the help around town." Where was this going? "Which is why I would like to apologize for how I have been acting towards you." I watched the whole family looked at her like she lost her mind "well I accept your apology." I just hoped there wasn't anything extra to this "however-" of God damn course "I ask that you still keep distance from Luisa." Isabella glanced at me with a slight smirk as did Mirabel and Dolores "si señora." I looked at my plate that was almost gone "mamà what if Luisa needs to help him?" She looked at Julieta "then she can, but I dont want them to become more then friends or simple acquaintances." It was a little too late for that, but she didn't need to know.

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