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"Y/n?" You looked at Luisa "yeah?" She sighed "im not weird to date am I?" That was an odd question "no of course not. Why do you ask?" She looked away from you "just wondering." There was more to this and you knew it "you sure? You seem like somethings bothering you." You sat up from where you were just laying with your head on her chest "I- yeah I'm sure..." a thought crossed your mind "someone didn't say something did they?" She looked at you quickly with worry plastered on her face "how did you-" you just wanted to know who it was "just a guess- who was it and what did they say?" She bit her lip and refused to look at you "you aren't going to hurt them if I tell you right?" As much as you wanted to hurt them you wouldn't for Luisa "no I won't. The most I'll do is talk with them."

If she didn't want to tell you then that was fine you wouldn't force her to tell you, but if she wanted to then she could. "You don't have to tell me if you dont want to...I just don't want people walking around saying things to you that hurt your feelings or saying things that bother you period. I care very deeply for you Luisa and I want whats best for you and if that means punching someone eventually then that means I punch someone." She giggled "no need to punch anyone amor. I dont know who said it exactly because I was at the market getting things for my mamà, but I walked by a group of guys and did my usual smile and wave at Mrs. Guzman and the people at her booth when I heard someone say how they feel bad for whoever dates or marries me because I'm not...small or average size for a woman or girl. They also said it would be weird dating a girl you can't pick up or cuddle like a normal girl." You had a good idea of who said this.

"Trust me if I wanted to pick you up I could. Would it be awkward for you because you haven't been picked up since you were like five? Probably, but I'm sure I could do it just fine and they can think and say those things all they want because I know the truth and so do you. Back home my dad is like six foot seven almost three hundred pounds, my mom is like five foot five and a hundred forty pounds and my mom will occasionally pick my dad up as a joke or cuddle him like he's the woman of the marriage. I'm sure you can imagine the weird looks we would get in public when my mom would pick my dad up and pack him so far then set him down." She laughed "really?" You nodded "yeah...and they can say your not small or average all they want. It just means there's more of you to love and appreciate and it shows that they couldn't handle a girl like you because they couldn't handle a girl that can move mountains and realize that your fine with not being picked up and carried all the time especially in public. You love affection and being pampered, but they don't know you. They don't understand you love to carry people around."

She could tell you were slightly upset and needed to get that out if your system. "They didn't say anything else did they?" She shook her head and looked away from you, her face extremely red from what you just said and the other thing they did say. "You know I know your lying to me. You usually look away from me when your lying." She looked at you and bit her lip again before averting her gaze once again "when I walked back by they said something about uh..." you had an idea on what she was going to say "they said something about how it would be difficult to have sex with me too." You narrowed your eyes not understanding what went through their heads on that one.

"It wouldn't be difficult it would be just like any other girl...depending on what you prefer." She furrowed her eyebrows "what do you mean by that?" You hated that her parents waited so long to explain everything to her because while she understood most she didn't understand all and it was kind of weird explaining to her being her boyfriend and all. "I dont mean anything bad I mean if you prefer top or bottom or both. Anything you prefer would be no different then having sex with any other girl. Not that your like all the other girls, but I'm sure you know what I mean." You got up and stood over by your bedroom door so she couldn't see how red your face was from embarrassment "o-oh." You could easily tell how embarrassed she was to have that conversation and not understand what you meant first time around.

"Anyway I uh...are you hungry? I can make something for you if you are." You really just needed to get out of the room "a little. You don't have to make-" you hurried out of the room "you like ceviche right?" She got up and walked out to where you were "si I do. Its been a long time since I've had it though." Being up in the mountains it was hard for people to get any type of seafood, but on a rare occasion to when they would it sold out awful fast. "I can make some for you." You turned and seen her almost hovering above you and jumped "unless you want something else." Why were you so jumpy all of a sudden? This was like the hundredth time you've had a conversation like this with her in the last couple months.

You knew you were just overthinking it all and that Luisa probably just brushed it off, but it wasn't that conversation that was mainly bothering you. It was the fact that anyone would even think something like that would be difficult with her just because she's built like a tank not to mention the others things they said. You tried not to let it get under your skin, but you had a good idea on who said it and why. It also bothered you that they waited to say it until she was right there knowing she is as tender hearted as she is.

"Y/n are you ok?" You looked at her over your shoulder then back to what you were doing "yeah I'm fine." She walked over and wrapped her arms around you from behind making you freeze "You sure?" You smiled "yeah I'm sure. Just in deep thought." She suddenly kissed your cheek "what was that for?" She let go of you then leaned on your kitchen counter next to you "making you think of something else. I know you too well to know you were deep in thought about what I told you." You smiled with guilt evident on your face "you caught me." She smiled and your heart felt like it was about to beat out of your chest.

Misunderstood Luisa x Male! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now