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"Luisa the donkeys got out again can you get them back to their corral?" I sighed "señor I am busy right now. I'll do it when I'm done." Someone came over to me and seemed very angry "there is a donkey in my yard eating all my flowers Isabella just gifted me. Why haven't you rounded them up yet?" I knew I couldn't get irritated and sat the giant pallet of bricks down in their rightful place "because I was finishing up this job first. I'm on it now though. Sorry señor." I started picking them all up and once I had them all threw them in the barn and wiped my brow. Abuela can't know I'm tired.

"Luisa, Luisa." I stopped in my tracks as I heard my mother calling me "yes mamà?" She caught her breath "where did you just come from before the barn?" I gave her a questioning look "the center of town. Why whats wrong?" She averted her gaze "just come with me." I followed her back to where I just was to find the body of the person who just yelled at me laying there and it looked like someone took a plow to the stone walk way and made it look like I hit them and killed them. "And there she is." Someone threw their arm up at me as if to point. "Why do you think it was my daughter?" As if today couldn't get worse.

"Who else could make a mark in the ground like that Julieta? Besides he yelled at her, so she probably got mad and hit him." I looked at my older sister who now joined us "but thats not Luisa. She'll cry because she's upset before she'll hit anyone. She cried the other day because she accidently smooshed a spider. Shes scared of spiders and she still cried about it. She would never hit anyone." Why did my sister have to expose me like that? "Thats the person you guys know. Who is she when she's alone? Who says she's not crazy?" Soon there was a crowd and they were being turned against me "but I didn't do anything. I was returning the donkeys back to the barn." Osvaldo and the man who owned the donkeys stuck up for me "its true. Thats where she was when this happened. We seen her." I was off the hook for now, but it didn't last long.

Within the next couple months every time a person would be killed I was blamed. Every time I was blamed by the same person and while I may not be the brightest I had a feeling he was the one who was behind all the murders, so I spoke to my mamà about it one night when it was just me and her in the kitchen.

"Mamà?" She looked at me "yes hija?" I placed a pretty big plate down for her to fill "have you thought that the person always trying to.blame me could be the one killing all the people? He always has an answer to everything or answers your questions with questions. He seems to know what to do to get out of the spotlight of people knowing whats going on." She nodded "si Luisa I have thought about that. I have spoke to your Abuela as well..." I never liked it when she paused "She told the townsfolk that she would send you to a camp where you have to dig holes. Something you can do fairly quickly. She only agreed to it to keep the people of the Encanto happy because they were starting to worry about their safety. If it continues to happen after you leave and they try blaming someone else I will talk to Abuela again and tell her what's going on." I nodded understanding e everything she said "ok mamà." She hugged me "dont worry about it Luisa you'll be fine." I really hoped so.

I worked everyday until the day I left for this camp. I did my best to have everything caught up for the next couple months, so it was less everyone else had to do, but I didn't understand why everyone just agreed to send me, the most well behaved Madrigal, away. It was obvious I wasnt the one who killed all those people and even if I did I wouldn't do it in ways that made it obvious it was me.

"People of Encanto please gather round." I watched as the townsfolk gather in Casita "I have to announce something. Make sure everyone is here." Abuela waited an hour to make sure everyone was there before taking a deep breath and letting it out "my la nieta will be leaving Encanto." I seen the guy always trying to blame me throw a accomplished smile out at everyone "she will be gone for over a year." Some looked around at eavhother and whispers started. Some I could hear and some I couldn't since no one wanted to stand by me.

"But what about the work she does? We can't do half the work she can." My Abuela looked at Osvaldo who was still very adamant that I stay "we will have to go back to the way we did things before she got her gift then. We could do it then so we can do it now." He nodded knowing no one could get her to change her mind. "Señora Alma please...she is the best worker and-" she stuck her hand up "that is enough from all of you. My decision is made. She will do as much work as possible before she leaves." I'm going to be so tired tonight and tomorrow. I hope I'll have the energy to travel since we aren't allowed to sleep on our way there.

"Señora Alma!" I was just repaving all the walk ways and 'roads' so they'd last until I got back "yes?" I seen me get pointed at as I blocked them out "Luisa where were you before this?" I looked up at my grandmother "the plaza. Let me guess someone else was found dead and this bozo is blaming me again?" Did that really just slip out? Oops. "Luisa!" I flinched hearing her cussing me "sorry Abuela. I didn't mean to say that."

Misunderstood Luisa x Male! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now