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I was pretty excited to have Y/n over for dinner finally, but I was nervous too and everyone could tell as soon as I walked through the door. "Why are you nervous mija?" Isa looked at mamá "why wouldn't she be? Abuela still thinks Y/ns a bad person and won't listen to us about tios vision." Papa walked over and hugged me "dont be nervous mi hija. If anyone can make Abuela see him for who he really is its you and him." I smiled at my father once he pulled away from the hug "now get him in Casita so we can bother him." He winked at me and I took a deep breath before stepping back out the door and telling Y/n he could come in.

"Abuela?" She looked at me "yes mija?" I took a deep breath "you have to promise you won't get mad." She furrowed her brows "what do you-" I felt Y/n slam into my back making me lurch forward as he cussed at Camilo quietly "Luisa are you alright?" I nodded "yeah. I just got bumped into." She nodded as the rest of the family settled down around the table in their spots "come, come. Bring him in." I sighed as my eye started to twitch then took his hand in mine and stepped through so Abuela could see him.

Her face twisted with so many emotions not wanting to say the wrong thing, but also not approving this until she settled on a calmer reaction then I expected "I will give him a chance. Sit, sit, the foods getting cold." We gave eachother a nervous look then sat down next to one another "how long have you two been together?" I gave Y/n an unsure look "a little over a year." Had it only been that long? "But I could be wrong." My Abuela looked between me and Y/n as she realized thats where I spent the night a little over a month ago. "So when you asked to stay at a friend's it was really his place?" I nodded slightly embarrassed "then whyd you lie to me? You could've just said you were going to tu novios place." I bit my lip "I didnt think of that. I was nervous to even ask about staying somewhere else anyway." She placed a hand on my arm "dont be nervous next time mija. You know me nor your mamá will care." I looked at my mother who gave me a warm smile and a nod then like a flip of a switch Abuela and mi familias attention was on Y/n.

"Y/n why are you with Luisa?" Mamá looked at Abuela in shock "mamá don't ask a question like that. If he had bad intentions dont you think they would've already came through?" She shot mamá a glare "well?" He looked at me from the corner of his eye "I uh...well its because I-" tia interupeted "dont say its because you love her. We've heard it before." Tio Bruno gave Pepa a small elbow in the side making her start thundering "well then what would you like me to say?" I could tell he was slightly irritated "what kind of question is that?" Tio Felix spoke up "he has a point Pepi. You know not everyone is good with words." This was turning into the dinner with Mariano all over again.

"Because he can actually see her for who she is. He loves her and is with her because he sees something in her like Papa seen something in you mamá. Something no one else saw and something he still sees...and like how tia Julieta seen something in tio Agustin.  He shouldn't have to explain himself to any of you just because your worried for her." We all stared at Camilo because that was probably the smartest and boldest thing he's ever said. "Hes right Abuela. I've seen how he treats her. If he was going to hurt her he would've done it after she hit his head that one time." Isabella looked at me and I looked at Y/n "I still feel bad for that." Y/n smiled at me "I know you do. If you didn't I'd know something was wrong." Camilo and Isabella motioned to us "see what we mean?"

My eyes scanned over the table at everyone then stopped on Dolores when I noticed she had the face of 'I could top all of you on reasons why he's perfect' ok maybe thats not exactly what her face says, but it definitely says she knows alot more then probably anyone else.

"Dont forget the time when-" these things went on for a while until Dolores spoke up and I wanted to just melt away into the floor, I'm sure Y/n did too with the look on his face. "Or when they were having their first time and when Luisa got even slightly scared or nervous he stopped everything and made sure she was ok and didn't want to stop because he could tell she was scared and or nervous without her having to say it." The looks we got from everyone was severely embarrassing to me "oops." She covered her mouth realizing she said it on accident, something that happened, but was very rare, and just like that with what she said dinner was over.

"Do you need help putting anything away Julieta?" I stopped in the doorway "gracias, but no I dont. You can go with Luisa." He looked at me then back to her "are you sure? I can help with dishes or something." She stopped what she was doing and smiled at him "I am sure Y/n now go." She playfully and gently shoved him in my direction making him giggle then walk over to me "im gonna head home ok? I have some things I need to do like laundry and clean out the fridge." I wanted to go with him, but I felt like I've been annoying him lately and I didn't want Camilo teasing me after what he just heard "whats wrong?" He stopped at the front doors of Casita "nothing." He raised a brow at me "are you sure? You seem upset." I nodded "yeah I'm sure. Just have alot on my mind." He hummed "need to talk about it?" I sighed "I dont know. I might wait until tomorrow." I looked away from him.

"Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it is called the present." I laughed over one of his dumb voices he likes to do, but also kind of liked what he said "how about this one. The past can hurt, but the way I see it you can either run from it or, learn from it." I laughed a little more "where do you learn these?" He smiled and winked at me "its a secret." I hugged him then went to pull away, but he placed a kiss on my lips "see you tomorrow mi hermosa diosa, te amo." Hes never called me that before, but I liked it and could get used to "te amo también mi amor."

Misunderstood Luisa x Male! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now