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Sorry for like dropping off the face of the earth for a while guys uh I've been really busy and haven't had time to write much, but I'm trying my best. For you guys and others.

I couldn't believe we were actually doing this. Hiding our relationship from Abuela? It was nerve-racking and we almost got caught twice already, but if Y/n didn't have his gift we definitely would've been caught both times.

"Hey Luisa come here." I slowed to a stop and looked in between two houses where Y/n stood "I cant I'm moving something for Osvaldo." He looked around before walking over to me "ok then I'll talk to you while you move it." He seemed a little nervous which wasn't new, but wasn't normal. "Ok whats it about?" He blushed a little as he explained it to me, but I was ok with it. "You sure? I mean we've only been dating like a month, but-" I sat Osvaldos new cart down infront of his house "im sure Y/n. Besides I think it'll be fun. Awkward, but fun."

Try to drink around your girlfriends waist then butt. Thats what he wanted to do and I didn't understand why, but I couldn't exactly tell him no because it sounded fun in a way.

"Do you use alcohol or what do you use?" He sat on my bed looking around my room "yeah alcohol will be fine." I looked at him in slight disbelief before he started laughing "im kidding. I dont drink much anymore, water will be just fine." I knew alot more about him then probably anyone else did with the exception of Dolores. "I remember you telling me about that amor." I left as he sat in silence then came back with two cups of water. "Two?" I nodded "just in case you spill or something." He chuckled "ok. If you really think I'm that clumsy." I rolled my eyes "its because you are you stupid Pendejo." He laughed at me knowing I was just joking with him "I'd say name a time I was, but you'd probably be able to name like twenty." I laughed with him now "try forty." We both laughed a little harder before taking a breath and enjoying the silence for a moment "ok you ready to do this?" I nodded "as ready as I can get."

He explained how it was supposed to go, but I had a feeling he was up to something.

When he stuck his arm around my waist it went to the center of my back and he sighed before saying something that made both of us burst into laughter and him spill the entire cup of water on me. "That was cold." I arched my back and made my chest puff out in an attempt to make the coldness go away while he laid back in my bed and laughed while clutching his stomach "you did that on purpose." He placed a hand on his chest like he was offended "I would never." I rolled my eyes "yeah and I would never do this." I pinned him to the bed with my legs on each side of him and started tickling him making him squirm under me "hey stop. Its not fair your stronger then me." I knew I could make him actually be himself without feeling the need to have the stereotype of 'im a guy, im strong, I can't show weakness.' Kind of thing and I liked the more sensitive side of him. The side that actually showed emotion. The side I didn't get to see often.

"Are you going to do it again?" He groaned "no now please let me go." I stopped tickling him and sat back on my feet and placed my hands on my hips still slightly sitting on him "you promise?" He nodded then looked away with a blush on his face. I'd be lying if I said my face wasn't red too. "Yes I promise now please get off me." I realized how uncomfortable this might be for him and before I could move I heard my door open and we both froze.

"Luisa!?" It was my papa and he sounded horrified as I turned to look at him face redder then I've ever had it before "papa its not what it looks like." I climbed off Y/n and he sat up to look at my father "hello Agustin." I could tell Y/n was nervous "Luisa can I speak to you...in the hall." I was hoping I wasnt in trouble as I walked out of my room behind my papa. "Y/n is in your room?" I nodded slowly while looking at my feet "is he your boyfriend your mother and Dolores have been talking about?" I nodded again and he was silent "do you know how much trouble you could get in if Abuela found out?" I felt tears welling up in my eyes. Anyone could cuss/yell at me for something, but me being a daddys girl couldn't handle it when he'd even try talking to me over something I thought I was going to get in trouble for "yes, but I dont think-" he sighed "Luisa im not mad at you and you aren't in trouble. Don't cry mija." He hugged me.

"I do however want to try helping you guys win over Abuela. I also hope to never walk in on you two again even if your just joking like you were. I DO. NOT. Want to see any of my daughters without clothes on. Ever. Especially if it'll be when they are having intercourse with their partner." I felt my face turn red at the thought "which brings me to my next statement-" I really didnt want to do this now with Y/n here "can I at least walk Y/n home first or say goodbye?" He stopped mid sentence "oh yes yes go ahead. We'll resume with your mother when your done." I nodded then headed back into my room "time for me to head out huh?" I nodded "yeah. Sorry you couldn't stay longer." He shrugged "its no big deal. I gotta get home and take a shower anyway. Did alot of work today." I nodded really wanting him to stay "anyway uh I'll see you tomorrow and we can hang out then right?" "Yeah of course. I think we'll be able to anyway." He chuckled "see you later." He kissed my cheek then walked out my door past my dad and snuck out the front door before heading home.

"Ok Luisa come on. We havent had the full talk with you yet and I feel weird doing it alone." I felt weird having to go through it alone without my sisters, but then again Isa has probably already had to do this. "Coming papa." I was not ready for this today.

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