The Beginning

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I always wondered why it was called a drinking problem, because I had no problem at all downing a glass.

Slamming my head onto the bar, I blacked out.

Of course, no one would feel bad for me. I just drunk myself into ruin.

My only friend was alcohol, you know. And now, not even booze was my friend.

I'll just disappear, just like that one song by Mitski.

Who is really going to miss me?


Drunk thoughts were the worst.


I fluttered my eyes, blinking the sun out.

A beautiful sunset paints the sky, and already the low hum of summer insects bring back memories.

"... the fuck? How'd I get here.." I mumbled, standing up from the bed of grass I was in.

I dragged my feet while I walked, a bad habit of mine.

Humming softly, I swing my hands behind my back. The setting sun warmed my face as I walked down the path, stopping to look every now and then.

A man with brown hair and almond shaped eyes appeared in front of me, the rest of his face obscured by a mask.

"Are you alright, miss?" He looks me over with a concerned glint in his eyes.

"I woke up in a different dimension that isn't in the spider-verse. No, I'm not alright..."

"Ah, so you're Y/n? I was sent by Lord Third to find you. I assume you already know my name." He said with a curt nod.

"Tenzo. Yeah, I know ya."

His eyes creased upwards, showing he was smiling. "That's reassuring."

Leading me forward, the landscape seemed to flatten out, showing the gate I spent most of my childhood looking at and the faces of men I could easily name off the top of my head.

"Tell me something about yourself. You seem interesting enough to be requested by Lord Hokage himself." He asked, a spark of curiosity in his eyes.

"Hi, I'm Ethan, and I'm 14. Slaying all these women with my massive peen." I recited the meme with a smirk, my canines poking through my smile.

He seemed surprised, but he laughed anyway. "Gods, you seem a lot like a guy I work with."

"Is that good or bad?" I ask, a mischievous look on my face.

"I'll let you decide."


"Come in,"

I step through the door, gripping the back of Tenzo's uniform like a small child. Both of the men laughed.

"Don't be shy, I'm sure you already know me. Amaterasu, the goddess who gave you this life, told me all about you."

Damn, so I guess he knows I lie about having a massive 12 inch cock.

In actuality, it's only like 8 inches 😣

"You're very strong, you know. And I think you deserve this second chance. Come, come. Take your headband."

He gestured to the white headband, and I slipped it into my pocket.

"Come on, let's get you settled in." Tenzo said, jingling the keys to what I assumed was my apartment.


"Here it is! Home sweet home." Tenzo gestured toward the small apartment we stood in front of.

He hands me the keys and waves goodnight, poofing away.

There was a silence, only cicadas and the soft buzz of the lamp made any noise.

I ruffled my hair with a sigh, rubbing my neck.

"Well, that's the last time I drink on an empty stomach..."

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