Çhæptêr 4️⃣

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"Why are we standing outside at like, the ass crack of dawn?"

"For training. Try and climb this tree without hands." We stood in front of 4 trees, Kakashi leaning on his crutches.

"Man! How do we do that? Climb a tree without hands?" Naruto stood there, scratching his head.

"Sakura, why don't you explain chakra to him, please?" He gave Sakura a tired look.

Man ts easy asf 🥱

I took some steps back and walked up the tree. A slowly, lazy walk to the top. Taking out a kunai, I marked the tree at the very top.

Then, I started walking off the tree on the air.

"Huh??" Sakura looked up and gasped.

"Hey." I gave her a lopsided smile, and she went pale.

"Hey, how is Y/n doing that? I wanna try!" Naruto pointed at me and was jumping with excitement.

Kakashi just chuckled. "You are nowhere near that level yet, Naruto. Work on walking up the tree first."

"Sasuke, can you walk on air like that?" Sakura asked, twirling her hair.

"I can't even walk on the tree. What do you think, Sakura?" He gave her a side eye and tried again to climb the tree.

"I'll try it then!" Sakura pumped her fist enthusiastically, starting up the tree. "Hey, this is easier than I thought!" She was sitting on a branch close to the top.

"Huh.. It looks like the girls are better suited to become Hokage." Kakashi mused.

"Hehehe, I beat you, cucks. Suck my fat dick, bitches."

"Y/n, language!"

"English. Duh."


"Time for dinner!" Tsunami called up the stairs.

I busted out the door and flew down the stairs into a chair.

"FOOD FOOD FOOD FOOD" Bouncing in my chair, Tsunami laughed while giving me a plate.

I had just finished my third plate when Sakura came down.

"You must have been hungry, Y/n!" Sakura gaped at my stack of plates.

"Hell yeah, this is amazing. 5 star Michelin." I said while Tazuna and Kakashi came to sit down.

"If you keep eating like that, you'll get fat!" Whined Tazuna, a disapproving look on his face.

"I see you speak from experience-"

Before I could finish, Kakashi clapped a hand over my face.

"She'll learn self control one day." He sighs warily.

"You sure place a lot of faith in that statement, brah." With a smirk, I dumped my plates into the sink and began washing them.

Sasuke and Naruto busted through the door, stumbling towards their seats and breaking the comfortable silence.

When Tsunami gave them a plate, they fawked that shit UP.

"More, please!" They chimed at the same time.

I just rolled my eyes and washed some more dishes for Tsunami.

"Wow, now that I look at it, it's really nice in here..." Sakura marveld, 0

She's clueless sometimes.

"Excuse me, I definitely have a good excuse to leave, so...." I dried my hands and quickly stepped awkwardly up the stairs.

I could hear Inari crying and walking up the stairs after I flopped onto my bed.

'Poor boy.'

Right now, the team was in deep trouble.

All three of my other squad members were in the ice mirror.

"Gods, am I the only one besides the literal adult that's sensible?"

Tazuna tapped my shoulder. "I'll be fine, go and and take care of Gato while you can!"

I winced. "Are you positive, old man? You could die if I leave...."

"Just go."

Nodding, I flickered outside his base, hiding near the window.

I passed through the window, grabbing a knife from my pouch.

"You're hella ugly. I would say go to hell, but I don't want to see your grotesque snapping turtle head ass there." I said as I slit his throat.

As he died, I looted him, taking his diamond rings, fancy watch, and gold chain.

"Now for the safe..." I walk over and carefully rip the door off and stack the ryo in a scroll.

Sealing it up, I walked right through the window again before any of his minions found me.

"Stealing is TOO easy."


"Hey guys! Fun fact," I clapped my hands, "You don't have to fight anymore! I killed Gato."

Zabuza, who still had my teacher in a headlock, stared back at me like I grew a second head.

Kakashi was still choking.

"Uncle... I call Uncle..." He wheezed.

Zabuza dropped him, running up to me.

"Didja really kill him, kid? I have been planning that for a while now. Haku! We're free!" He said, gripping my shoulders.

Haku seemed to relax in relief, bringing down the ice mirrors.

I scoffed, brushing Zabuza's hands off my shoulder and walking over to Naruto and Sasuke.

Crouching down, I began to pluck out each needle, a scowl on my face. "You guys are idiots, you know. Look at you, all buss-up. A for effort, I guess."

Afterward, Sakura bandaged them up carefully.

"So... mind if we tag along with you guys?" Haku asked, smiling brightly.

"Not at all."

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