32: I put the black in black ops

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To the people who are blowing up my notifs with the lyrics to Sweater Weather, I hope both sides of your pillow are nice and cold <3

I threw myself onto the bed in my apartment, appreciating the soft pillow.

"Ah, shit. First day as fucking ANBU team captain tomorrow. Actually kay-why-ess, you old shits."


"To Y/n,

We, the council of elders and the head of ANBU, hereby inform you that you have been assigned your own team to govern in our special missions unit. Uphold this responsibility to our expectations. You will not fail.

Council of Elders
Head of ANBU "

She read the note, her hands gripped the paper until her knuckles blanched.

The messenger boy, who looked just barely older than she was, waited patiently for her response.

"You, puppy boy. Tell those old shitheads that I don't wanna."

He scoffed, shaking his head.

"You and I both know that can't happen. They're the High Council." He reasoned.

"Only thing "high" is my finna-be foot up they asses." She grumbled, shredding up the paper.

The boy chuckled, taking her hands in his to stop further damage to the paper. Y/n glared at him, but that's when she finally got a good look at him.

He was fairly tall, maybe 2 inches taller than her, with arms that seemed scrawy. She knew they weren't. His mop of dark blue hair was parted down the middle. Deep green eyes shone from inside his mask, pairing with the emerald stud earrings in his ears.

"Hmm... on second thought... I won't send you to a premature death. I think you're pretty cute, puppy boy." She smirked, reaching for his mask.

He stopped her, grabbing her by the wrist "I've got a code name, you know. It's Kiseki."

"Yeah, yeah. Just take me to headquarters please."


"Hey, hey! I know you!" She pointed to the boy in gray, while tugging on Kiseki's sleeve.

"That's Sai! HIIII SAIIIIII~" Y/n cooed, trying to run towards him.

Kiseki took her by the hood, yanking her back. "Stop getting sidetracked. We aren't here for him." He chided.

"But daddy, I love himmm!" She cried, reaching for him.

Through all of this, Sai stood there, his masked face tilted to the side.

"Kiseki, please let go of her. I like to assume she's smart enough to walk by herself."

"Yeah, what he said! Wait.... HEY! I ain't stupid!"

Regardless, he let go of her.

"We're heading to the head office, so-"

"So am I."

She gasped, her eyes sparkling. "Really? Yay! Walk with us!" She eagerly took his hand

Y/n hummed happily, swinging both her arms out. One held Kiseki's hand, the other held Sai's.

She paid no mind, but the boys were glaring daggers over her head.

'Back off man, hands off of her.'

'I've known her longer than you, though.'

'She held my hand first!'

'Well, she said she loved me.'

Sparks definitely shot.

As they stopped in front of the door, Kiseki reached to knock.

Instead, Y/n gently lowered his arm and forcefully kicked the door  in.

"Do you wanna fucking scrap, pendejo? Making me govern my own team. Shii, get off ya fat ass and do it yourself, ya wrinkly old bastard."

(A/N: Maybe Ricki and Aisha shouldn't write dialog anymore-)

Sai smiled, secretly loving her little attitude switch.

Kiseki on the other hand, was blushing furiously and probably melting.

'God, I just wish she'd step on me like that.'

"Hmm... do you really oppose the position so strongly?" Danzo croaked, every word made her seethe.

"Ne, ji-chan...."

He raised an eyebrow in intrest.

"Do me a favor and slit your own throat you nasty, pasty, crusty ass bitch. The fuck do you think I am? Captain Save-A-Hoe?"

"Sai, Kiseki, and Hyojin will be on your team."

Immediately her demeanor switched, shaking his hand in delight.

"Captain Save-A-Hoe at your service!"

Oh yes, to Danzo you seemed easy to manipulate, so young and narrow minded. He'd really find out the hard way that nothing in the world could sway you that easily.

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