chapter 10

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I hated to break Iruka's heart, but the minute the nurses left the room I snuck out through the window.

Who cares if I wasn't 'fully recovered'?

I marched down the crooked forest, still swinging the sword.


"The islands in the north are snowy, and their heads get very cold.."

The girl's raspy, spreading voice rang through the forest, nearly bringing tears of joy to Sakura. Y/n was back; she had returned from wherever she went.

She rounded the tree, appearing in all of her injured glory. Even though she looked as if a pack of hyenas had tore through her, Sakura thought she was a holy sight to behold.

"Sakura, you can go to sleep now.. I'm here now."

This alone assured the younger girl, and she moved to a soft spot of moss and shut her eyes.

'Hm! If I can catch ALL 20 of the leaves, Y/n will surely love me!'

Lee stood in a tree, watching as the leaves slowly danced in the air.

Lunging out, he begins to catch the leaves, quickly moving to get them.

Until he hits a branch. The air seemed to desert him in that moment, and he gasped for oxygen.

Looking around, his eyes scanned for the final leaf. But what he saw instead was a squirrel caught in a trap, crying for help.

He quickly came to the squirrels aid, leaving the 20th leaf to hit the ground.

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