8: clocks and mushrooms

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Pushing down their apprehension, they stepped through the entrance.

The team squeezed themselves together, clinging onto one of Y/n's body parts.

Sakura squeezed her arm. Naruto was on her back, almost choking her because of how tight his grip was.

Sasuke, probably the only other level-headed one, simply wrapped his pinkie around hers in a tiny hand-hold.

"Who even has the scroll...."

"I put it in your bag."

"Oh. Ok."


"Y/nnnn can you stop for a second?" Naruto whined, tugging lightly on the girl's hair.


She sighed as the extra weight came off her back, and she rolled her shoulders.

Naruto immediately darted behind a bush, hopefully to just pee.

"Damn, y'all fucked up my back." She groaned, popping her neck and spine. A whole orchestra of snaps, crackles and pops came from her as she sighed in relief.

"I think you should get that checked out..." Sakura gestured to her back.

"It's mostly my fat tits. These hoes heavy as a mug. Pretty sure I could suffocate someone with these."

'Me. Pick me, choose me. I volunteer as tribute.'

"Whoo! I'm back! I had so much piss I could write my name."

"Mm... that should've stayed in the drafts, boo." She mumbled, throwing a kunai at the iMpOsTeR.

His expression dropped, a frustrated look replaced his neutral face. "How'd you figure it out?"

"Naruto's weapon holder is on the other side; he's left-handed." Sasuke answered, putting a hand on his hip.

"Now," Y/n looked his figure up and down. "I'll give you some props, you got his fat ass down perfectly. 10/10 gyatt." She tapped her chin, nodding approvingly.

"Y/n, he's an enemy ninja..."

She seemed to snap out of it, and went behind the bush to untie him. Ripping the duck tape off his face, he winced.

"What took so long?" He grumbled, rubbing his sore wrists.

"Got distracted."

"That explains you talking about my butt."

She smirked, making grabbing motions with her hands. "How much for half a gram of dat ass, boy?"

"IT'S NOT FOR SALE!" He yelled, flushing red.

"I wanna see you jump roping butt booty naked in front of me covered in coconut oil so that big behind jiggles with maximum efficiency. I want to see the recoil with full velocity."

"WHAT?" He was thoroughly flustered now, red in the face and everything.

Sakura's jaw was on the floor, her expression was probably one of terror.

"I'm trynna see him do the thug shake you know what I'm sayin?"

Sasuke's eyebrow twitched as he watched her chase Naruto around.

"Guys, stop playing. We have to move forward." Sasuke said in a flat voice, making both turn to him.

She stopped chasing him, returning to his side and proceeding to keep walking.


"We need a password so that we can tell between other people disguised as us and the real us." Sakura said, a serious look was set on her face.

"How about this.." Y/n took a stick and drew in the dirt, spelling out a message.


She raised her eye brows in a horrible smirk, grinning like the Grinch.

"Shiitake." She said will a pleased tone, nodding her head.

Sasuke shook his head, swishing his foot over the writing in the dirt. He knew somebody was watching the group, so he began to try and throw them off.

"How about a riddle instead?"

Y/n caught on instantly by reading his mind, and Sakura was quite quick too. Naruto sat scratching his head in confusion until the others gave him a look.

He whispered "oooh..." and nodded his head too, his blond curly mop bouncing around his forehead.

"What has a face, but can't smile? What has hands but can't clap?"

Sakura rolled her eyes. She was the riddle master in her opinion, and probably anyone else's.

"A clock."


Sasuke nodded approvingly, then looked me in the eyes.

His gaze flickered to the bush behind us for a split second, then back to me. He held a neutral expression, but his eyebrows slightly furrowed.

I blinked twice and nodded, rubbing my nose with my left index finger.

Interrupting our little talk, a huge gust of wind tore through the forest and flung us apart.

Quickly regaining my composure, I looked towards Sasuke while scrunching my nose.

He got the message, and went to find Sakura.

"What's the password to our riddle?"

Sakura, without missing a beat, whispered the real password in his ear.

"Alright, let's go find Naruto and Y/n." He bumped his fist against Sakura's, and they both turned to my direction.

Cautiously walking over, Sakura raised an eyebrow. "What's the password?"

I scoffed playfully, propping my hand on my hip and leaning on it. "Shiitake."

"Whew. It really is you... what was that that thing you were doing with your face?"

I looked at her confused. "I'm not doing anything with my face."

Rolling his eyes, Sasuke swiped his right thumb under his cheek.

"Pffft- You think you have jokes?"

Sakura, who was caught in the middle, was so confused and distraught because she felt left out.

"Sorry, sorry," I said while laughing. "I'll tell you-"

Somebody tapped my shoulder, and it definitely was not Naruto.

"You don't have to worry, it's really me guys! The password is clock, isn't it?"

"Bitch actually fell for it omg-"

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