34: shawty's like a melody in my head

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𝐈𝐍 𝐖𝐇𝐈𝐂𝐇 the man with Big Dick Energy shows Y/n his true giga-chad face

"'Mission: Reveal Kakashi-sensei's real face' is a go!"

Sasuke stood there, a hand propped on his hip. "I have no interest in bothering sensei like that."

"Yeah, me too! I don't like snooping around." Sakura said, crossing her arms with a huff.

Y/n raised an eyebrow.

"Oh, really?"

She turned to Naruto, whispering in his ear and giggling. They both looked at Sasuke as he walked away.

"....Cod roe lips...." They snickered again, watching a Sasuke froze. She gasped, asking, "I wonder if they look like Kylie Jenner..."

Sasuke looked left, then right....

Then he tiptoes back to the group, speaking in a low tone, "How are we gonna get it off? That's the million dollar question..." He said, folding his hands together.

The duo gave eachother a knowing side eye and fistbumped.

Sakura just gave an exasperated sigh and put her head into the group huddle. "He's a Jonin, dumb-dumbs; you really think we can get the jump on sensei?"

Naruto giggled, rubbing his hands together like he was about to shadow box.



I shuffled my feet, trying to avoid her gaze.

"He actually..."

Sakura raised an eyebrow, "He what?"

"He let me see his face-"


The sun shimmered down, lighting up her face. "Ahh... who said photosynthesis was only for plants?" She sighed in content.

Kakashi shook his head, walking in the shade of the trees.

They were exact opposites, those two. He had a white button up with a green vest over it in the middle of the summer, while she had a crop-top and high-waisted shorts.

He warily looked at her revealing outfit, as it was warranting way more attention then he thought it should. Older men looked her up and down like wolves.

Walking closer to her, he put a hand on her shoulder and glared at them, effectively turning them away.

"Eh? Get your yaoi hands off of me, queermo."

"I regret ever telling you I'm pansexual /j"

"So you're the one who nutted in my Pyrex collection. I can't believe you, Bakashi."

He had lost his nervous composure and laughed, walking in the warm sunlight. She always found a way to shake out his thoughts and make him laugh.

"Ooh, Look! An iyaki stand! Let's go!" She grabbed his hand, pulling him across the street.

He pulled out his wallet. "Do you want one?"

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