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people probably don't read these, but i wanted to clarify since i've changed this story up A LOT. i will also probably keep changing it bc this story is still recovering from my middle school crackfic phase. this is also my first fanfic😞

explaining y/n's character ↳

[‼️] this will be based on a pacific islander/black reader, but i feel like anyone can read it. she just talks a certain way and uses certain slang that's mostly native to da kine.

[🍹] y/n has a bad habit of drinking, and usually does it when she's stressed or tired. she's carefree and nonchalant, and you hardly see her jumpy or anxious. she came from a bad home, so she makes it a point to make everyone feel safe and welcomed wherever she goes. she is dirty-minded and a potty mouth, since adulting is hard and nobody wants to go through puberty again.

[🛀]  super invested in personal hygiene. she hates when her hair is undone and her teeth aren't brushed. she can't stand being musty and is a borderline germophobe.

[⏳️] her figure is one of a woman, not a girl. lots of people think she's around 18-19 when she's around Temari's age. she uses this to her advantage.

[🛌] y/n is physically weak, suffering from anemia. though, she doesn't really give a shit, and still is pretty physically active.

[❣️]  likes quality time, and takes care of other people's distractions so they can spend time with her. likes to hug people from behind and grab them by the waist. an ass kinda gal, and usually lets people sit on her lap.

[post time skip/adult y/n]

a pretty physical drunk, likes to tug on people's waistbands and bra straps and tries to kiss people a lot.

powers and abilities ↳

[🍶] the more she drinks the night before, the better she feels in the morning. she also can use 'drunken fist' like Rock Lee.

[🤼] she's the type to pull out a knife in a fistfight. she punches, kicks, drags, slaps, and even bites. don't put anything past her. she wants to cause as much damage as possible before she either knocks them out or they knock her out.

[🔮] y/n has psychic superpowers. she's basically kusuo saiki, but without the 'i just want to be normal' mindset. she usually levitates a good 5 centimeters off the ground, so she's a pretty fast runner.

[🥷🏾]  she has a gun. enough said.

about the fanfic itself ↳

[📚]  this is supposed to be a borderline crackfic, but it has its serious moments.

[🍺] the title came from the song 'drinkin problem' by EKOLU. it's actually a cover of a country song, but i like the reggae version better. i chose that song because it's basically the story of her life.

thanks for reading this! we hope you enjoy the story!

-Mei, Mi, Aisha, Ricki, Ena, Lili

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