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"Gahh! How far have we walked? The tower isn't getting any closer!"

"Heyyy.... You're right!"

"There's that same centipede. Genjustsu is wack."

I rested my chin on his shoulder, his heartbeat being the only thing keeping me awake. My injuries reopened, on top of the ones I just received, so Kabuto decided to carry me.

"Wait. You knew this whole time and didn't tell us?" Kabuto looks over his shoulder at me.

"Gaslight, Gatekeep, Girlboss, Guilt-trip."

Kabuto sighs. He's been dealing with that kinda stuff from me for a while.

Blood loss and Low iron? Wack.

"Hey guys. It's some clones of that guy. He's been following us for a while." Clones come from everywhere.

The team backs up, but Naruto jumps in.

"4 against 40? I like these odds!" Naruto doesn't even think and just flies into a clone, punching it.

His hand goes right through the clone, and another body sprouts from the hole. Like a hydra.

He reaches for Naruto, but Sasuke throws shurikens, cutting off the clones' hand.

The clone pulled out a double-edged kunai and threw it at Sasuke.

'I can't move! My body....what's happening? ' He's frozen in place, the knife getting closer.

"Get down!" Kabuto pushes Sasuke over, getting the cut instead.

I roll over slightly and pick up the knife.

I sniff the blood... He's got good iron levels.

I lick his blood...yum.

"(Y/n), why did you lick the knife?" Sakura looks disturbed by me.
Honestly, same.

"Need iron. Blood has iron. Eat blood, " I say simply.




I watch as Naruto's shadow clones transform back into him. He just tricked those lame guys into thinking they were fighting them! Good sleep must really do wonders.

"Naruto! Take a break! We got the rest." Sasuke calls over to him, but he doesn't listen.

"After all the hard work I just put in, you want me to sit back and let you guys have all the fun? No way!"

He punches all three of the ninjas, and they hit the ground.

' Since when has he been this strong? Is this really....The Naruto I know? '

'His chakra... it's incredible! Multi-Shadow clone jutsu, transformation, and he's still throwing punches! If he learns to control that chakra, he'd be unstoppable...'

"Not bad, brat, but time is running out. We'll just show you OUR ninjutsu!"

My heart sank, watching them all fight together while I sat on the ground, a hand clamped on my shoulder.

...Why am I just sitting here?Just being pathetic isn't getting my team anywhere, so why do they look up to me?

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