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3 whole days.

Y/n didn't speak for three whole entire days.

Ever since she was reminded of her past, her eyes became hollow and her smile vanished.

The world felt empty without her voice.

To Naruto, it felt like it was raining. It was gray and cold.

Sometimes, when he'd try and reach out to her, she felt so far away that she seemed on another planet.

The young boy terribly missed her smile, and felt like he was watching her drown in herself.

Madara, who thought the young girl was irritating, had found himself at a loss of what to do. It made him realise that he was alone, and so was she.

She barely ate, slept all the time, and Y/n didn't even move from the tree she was in.

Jiriya, at one point, became quiet too. He didn't try and mess with Y/n.

He felt horrible after what he did, but no matter how many times he said sorry, those words fell on deaf ears.

On the fourth day, she stirred from her spot. Stumbling over her feet, she tried moving towards Naruto.

"Naru, I'm ... sorry..."

He flinched at her voice, even talking sounded like a chore for her.

Simply handing her a bottle of water, he sat her down next to him.

"How...long was..I...out of it...for?" She mumbled hoarsely, taking another sip of the water.

"Three days!" He shouted, but then he reeled it back in. "But uhh... who's counting anwyway..."

She scoffed lightly, shaking her head. "You are, dummy."
"It's so obvious...that you were worried. That's why I'm sorry.."

He shoved a peice of teriyaki chicken in her mouth.

"I don't want to hear any apologies! I just want to hear that you'll keep go of whatever is holding you back. If you don't let it go, it'll just get worse."

"That's...really deep. I always thought you were just a block head."

"Y/n, I'll take it all back."

"Love you too, shorty."


"Madara, I'm-"

"Don't say another word."

Y/n stood, averting her gaze.

"You had me worried, stupid woman. I thought it was my fault."

He hugged her, lightly soothing her hair.

Sighing, she hugged him back.

"It wasn't your fault at all, so don't worry so much."

He groaned, almost like a whine.

"You've only known me for a month.. why so clingy? Attention whore."

"Because ever since you saw me, I haven't had a day of silence. I missed it. You're the only one who can see me, in case you forgot."

"How could I?"

Short chapter bc I might publish another one today >:)


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