chapter 9

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●○● - Pov Change
○●○ - Time Skip

The other's faces were absolutely stricken with horror, and I could only imagine the immense fear and the crazy, clawing urge to flee.

Thick beads of sweat rolled down each of their cheeks.

This was excessive. Way too much for children, mere children.

No, I wasn't scared. Not one bit. I couldn't be frightened. I had to be unafraid, to be the one to uphold the team.

Standing in front of the younger kids, my face morphed into a scowl.

His eyebrows raised in surprise, taken aback when I could move freely under his heavy miasma.


"You just keep getting more and more interesting, my dear." He cooed, that voice of his curled around their heads and squeezed their ears like a snake.

The girl sneered, repulsed by the 'pet name' it gave her. "I am not yours; do not refer to me as if I am. You have nothing to offer me. I have no ties to you whatsoever." She spat, curling her lip up in contempt.

While the others struggled just to take in a full breath, she stood. She defied whatever will he placed on her.

Despite this, he simply chuckled. "Oh, I can offer you something. A little... creation of my own... just for you."

She wouldn't take that gift on her own volition. He'd have to force her.

Just when she was about to lunge for an attack, she heard a desperate cry behind her.

"Don't! Don't leave us..."

Sakura had tears running down the sides of her face, and she had a look of desperation on her eyes. She sat on the floor, unable to move.

Right next to her, Sasuke's legs were trembling so hard he might end up like the girl beside him.

His face seemed calm at first, but his eyebrows twitched upwards. It was a small cry for help.

"Sasuke. I need you to get Sakura and yourself out of here. I'll buy you time, I promise. I just want you guys to run." She said lowly, not facing the two.

Orochimaru's grin only grew, a hint of greed flashed in his eyes. "My, my. Playing hero, are we? Don't worry, I'll get Sasuke-kun soon enough."

"You've got to escape."

The two were reluctant to leave, even if it was risky if they didn't.


She looked at both of them sternly, but her face held all the unspoken concern that she held.

"NOW! YOU HAVE TO GO!" She barked out, taking everyone by surprise.

This time, she spoke with a softer tone. "I know both of you are smart. You can find a way to flee. Please, for your own safety..."

The pleading look she gave was enough to get Sasuke moving.

He thought, It may hurt to move, but it hurts even more seeing her face like that. I don't want to see that expression on her ever again.

Scooping up Sakura, he took one last look at the girl.

Her back was facing him, but judging by the sadistic smile on that man's face, it wasn't a pleasant look.

His heart squeezed in his chest, and he knew he had to leave or that feeling would get worse.

"Look at you, sending your friends away so I don't hurt them."

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