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"Come on, we've got to seal those curse marks of yours."

"Me half naked in a room with a pervert? Fat chance!"

'Why me...'

Anko was laughing while Kakashi just dragged me by by collar.

"You're soo lucky I'm buss up right now-"

He tossed me over his shoulder, knocking the air out of me.

"This love-hate relationship is NOT working, Hatake. Pick a side or next time you use chidori I'm t-boning myself on it!" I punched his back lightly and kicked my feet.

"You wound me, Y/n." He rolled his eye and playfully huffed.

"Are we almost there? I do enjoy the sight of dat ass, but my blood is flowing to my brain." I reach down and slap his ass.

"Hey! Anko, why do I have to carry it?" He sweatdrops and rubs his sore left buttcheek.

"Suck it up, we're here anyway." She points to a door with a bunch of seals on it.

'Not ominous at all'

He drops me on the floor, glad to finally be free.

"Hey man, I like it rough but not like that!" I hold up my hands im that 'aye, bruh' way and he just ruffles my hair.

"Why are you even talking about stuff like that. You're just a kid." He sighs.

"Puh-lease. I stopped being a kid when I had to hide from my dad when he got home."

The two adults looked at me in shock and slight concern.

"Here is a secret: You're my favorite student." He smiles, then chops the back of my neck.

Before falling unconscious, I flick him off.


I felt the glaring, cold lights of the hospital stab into my skull as I sit up in the bed.

"Ughh! I can't stand it here!" I flop my balled up fists onto the covers.

I sigh, looking around the pale room.

Rubbing my temples, I could feel  headache threatening to explode. My breathing became erratic.

'When's the last time I freaked like this..? Oh yeah, when dad sent me to a hospital like this one.'

The white of the equipment, the loud beep of the heart monitor, the seemingly endless white expanse of the lonely room.

A forgotten childhood I didn't think I'd return to.

"Hey, are you alright? Your heart is beating pretty fast..." A new voice said. And it didn't sound like the nurse.

"Minato...Namikaze?" I gaze into his beautiful eyes, so clear and blue. Like the sky.

"You..Can see me..?" He looked surprised, relief coming off of him in waves.

I nodded.

"Why are you here?" I fiddle with my fingers in my lap.

"I usually float around, helping people here and there. None of them see me though, not even my own son." He shook his head sadly.

"That's... actually really sad."

"Yeah... but it has its perks. I've gotten to see Kakashi grow into a man, and my son become a ninja." He had a sort of melancholy feeling about him, but he still held a smile.

"Well, thanks for helping me.."

"No worries. If you don't mind, can I stick around? There's not many people who can, you know... see me." He asked sheepishly, rubbing his neck.

"I... wouldn't mind some extra company."

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