çhæptêr 5️⃣

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"I won't cry if you won't...!"

Naruto sniffed, rubbing his eyes profusely, holding Inari in a snotty embrace.

"You guys are gross. Blegh." I groaned, sticking a finger in my mouth like I was throwing up. "Let's go, man. I'm tired."

Giving a final goodbye, Naruto climbed onto the boat.

Sasuke had an aloof expression, looking out to the sea. He was deffo tired. Let me go bother him.

"Whatcha staring at, cuz?" I asked, walking up behind him and wrapping my arms around his waist, leaning all my weight on him obnoxiously.

"Well, now I'm just staring at your sorry ass."

"Don't sass me, young money. I was walking before your momma pushed you out of her saggy ass pu-"

"Oh-kay, Y/n." He put a hand on my face, shoving my head back.

I smacked my lips. "Mmcht, you're such a jerk. I was just kidding, you know." I pouted, pulling his hand away.

"You're annoying."

"You know you love me. OH, SO much." I squished him, his back popping.

"Ack, Y/n you ass!"


The note was in surprisingly neat handwriting, laying next to a very expensive chain necklace.

"Y/n, how did you even get your hands on this.." Tenzo asked, even though nobody else was in the room.

The note read:

"I killed sb to get this for you books, I hope ya likes it! >.<

xxxx y/n"

He chuckled, shaking his head with a fond smile.

"That girl.."


"Oh, hey. It's the mocos kids." I ruffled my hair, pointing at the three kids playing in the road.

A kid started to saunter up to Konahamaru, grabbing his scarf and picking him up.

"Alright, young buck. Only I can bully the lil kids, so find another job, you microwaved black panther." I gripped his wrist, looking down at him with a stank face.

"And you are you to tell me what to do? You're just another one of those Leaf Village brats who think they're better than us."

"Oh, sweetheart. I think I'm better than you, but not because I'm with the Leaf. It's simply a fact." With a grin, I squeezed his wrist until he dropped Konohamaru.

"Tch. All you pretentious kids are the same."

A rock barely the size of a marble popped Kankuro between the eyes, leaving him surprised.

"Watch what you say. She isn't one to take disrespect." Sasuke hissed, his eyes narrowing slightly.

I chuckled, releasing Kankuro's wrist. "Damn right. If you don't believe him, by all means, keep flapping your gums. I don't mind demonstrating for the class how I'm going to cook and serve your ass right here on this street."

"Oh, don't worry. I totally believe you." He swallowed, retracting his hand.


At the sound of somebody else's voice, I leaned forward past his shoulder to see.

Mesmerizing jade eyes.

It was Gaara.

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