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"He did seem awfully attached to his arms. Now they aren't even attached...."

I take Zaku's other arm from Sasuke and flip them into a shrugging position.

"You don't miss it until it's gone." I cast his arms aside and walk calmly behind my dog. I was on demon time today.

"I hope you make this more interesting for me." Sasuke glares down at the others, a sadistic glint in his eyes.

"Down, boy. That's enough." I put a hand on his shoulder, stopping him from dismembering them.

The curse marks on either side of my neck glowed, and the pattern was identical to Sasuke's. I felt an evil presence in the mark, didn't like it one bit.

I shove it down, back to the curse mark.

'Her control is amazing... She's already mastered the mark!' Hosu stared in shock.

'They're like world's scariest couple..' Shikamaru shivered

Sasuke growled lowly, still mad about our current state. I still had kunai in my leg and senbon needles everywhere. The gash in my arm was pretty deep too. And to top it off, my ears and nose are still bleeding. Not to add my previous Orochimaru-related injuries.

I pulled out the needles and threw them, landing in Hosu's arm near the paper bomb.

"I believe those belong to you." I reach down and grab the kunai, yank them out, and throw it with deadly accuracy.

They landed on the symbol of his headband, the tip of the knives poking through the metal band and making his head bleed.

"Can't forget those, too."

Sasuke's mark recedes, and I catch him, his breath came heavy and short.

"You two,"

Hosu, we have names.

"Take the scroll. You're too strong for us."

"Damn right, bitch" I flick him off.

"Take the scroll, and let us leave with our lives." He groveled, feeding my ego.

"I don't make promises, but that there scroll looks mighty fine right about now." I pick up the earth scroll and Hosu carries his teammates.

"When we meet again in battle, we won't run or hide."

"Next time we meet, I won't show mercy. It doesn't even have to be in battle. " I glare holes in his back as he limps away.

"Wait! Who is Orochimaru anyway? What's he done to Sasuke? Why him?" Sakura cried, looking between the unconscious boy and the ugly bites on my neck.

"All I know is we had to target that hellspawn Y/n and Sasuke. And we did. I don't know why he sent us to assassinate someone with the curse mark, and honestly, I'm surprised that Y/n is still alive."

"Just get good, brah."

"Aside from that, there are many things I don't know." He limps deeper into the woods.

"Hey! Are you guys alright?" Team Asuma came back out from the bush, checking on our team.

'That was no normal chakra. I had no idea that the Uchiha Clan was so strong. And what's with her? She shows up mysteriously and now she's gaining shady powers...?'

Aw come on Neji. Have some faith in me.

I look back to the ravenette in my arms. His hand was shaking terribly

"Just.....what am I?"

I lace my fingers into his, and look him in the eyes. "Whatever we are, we are together" I squeeze his hand to calm him down, and he relaxes, his tense aura fading a little.


Sasuke was passed out on the floor, and Sakura clung to my arm.

The grass ninja was back, and she was surrounding us.

Naruto pulled out a kunai, ready for the attack.

She lunges-

And he wakes up.

"Aimsoyuuuchsj!" Naruto bolted awake, and slowly noticed the quiet and calm in the air.

"Huh... the Grass ninja! Everyone get down!" He crawls across the ground, goofy as ever.

"You're one-of-a-kind that's for sure. And by that I mean the kind that gets on my nerves."

"Aw c'mon Shika he just woke up! Cut the boy some slack-"


"Nevermind. Choji hand me the bat."

"Sooo, Naruto. You're gonna notice Sakura's hair, but not my injuries, huh? I see who really cares. " I turn away from him and bury my face in Sasuke's hair.

He has an almost unnoticeable blush, but he hid it behind a scowl.

"Noo (n/n) don't ignore meee-"

"You hear sum Ino?"

"Nuh-uh. Not a thing" she carries Lee across the clearing to Ten Ten.

"Wake up, idiot!" She shakes him until he wakes up.

"Heyy Ten Ten... where are those Sound guys?" He slurs his words a little, but it's still cute.

"Sasuke and Y/n took em out. What were you thinking? Rushing in to fight all three of them. Did you really think you stood a chance?" She scolded Lee, and he just had a simple response.

"But Y/n was in trouble..." he pouted, and I saw Ten Ten's face soften a little.

"That was still stupid, ya know"

"I cannot really argue with that..." he put his head in his knees.

"AHA! Look at you, Bushy Brow!"

"I better not hear any shit talk about Lee, got it?" I grab his hair and pull it back, looking dead in his eyes.

"Man's so far out of the loop, he doesn't even know there is a loop" Choji sighs.

"Hey Lee?" I drop Naruto and crouch infront of him.

"Thanks. If it wasn't for you, I would be in an even worse state right now, and Sakura wouldn't have stood up for herself." I gave him a warm, genuine smile.

"Thank you, Y/n!" He starts to sniffle.

"But my efforts alone were not good enough....Sasuke, you live up to your reputation. Just what I expected from the Uchiha Clan. You chased those ninja away while I just got beaten to a pulp."

'What does he mean? Were they really that strong?'

Sasuke, look at him. He's clearly bruised up.

"(Y/n), the Lotus of the Leaf blooms twice! When we meet again, I will be a stronger ninja!" He looked into my eyes with such hope and determination, and I felt some of it, too.

"I'll hold you up to your word, Lee" I patted his head softly.

"I promise."

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