33: he's definitely a munch

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"I won't really become captain until all my training stuff is done and shit, so..."


"See ya!"

I waved at Hyojin, sticking my tongue out. They just rolled their eyes.

Hyojin was a very good looking person, don't get me wrong.

He had smooth platinum blonde hair that poofed up at the front, and ended in the small of their back in a braid, and cute almond eyes that closed when he smiled.

Glittery, pink eyes blinked back at me from under the mask. His small waist and thick thighs could easily mislead you into thinking he was a girl, and it didn't help that they used any pronouns....

He was just a bit older than Kiseki, maybe 15? I never got around to asking.

"Anyway, I'll see you guys around!"

The two waved back, probably smiling under their masks.


Over the course of 2 weeks, Kiseki just fell harder and harder for her.

Like, mf tripped over air and now he's about to ask her to sit on his face.


Kiseki is typing...

Don't be afraid, I don't want just a little of that body weight, I want 100%. Don't ask if I'm breathing. Don't ask if my heart is still beating. Treat me like a chair, like an old sofa

Kiseki stopped tying.

| Hey, stink

He threw his phone across his bed.

"Why am I so dumb? Next time, I'm just gonna hit send."


Stinkabutt <3

Hey pooks 😍✨ |

| Want to listen to music on ft?

Ofc! |

When she picked up the phone, she saw Kiseki facing away from the screen. His shirt was around his forearms.

"Rip off my shirt if you love me."


He jumped, turning to face his phone on the dresser.

"When did you pick up the call?"

"When you started taking off your shirt." She stared shamelessly at his body. His head was cut out of the camera, but his chest was exposed.

"Damn, your waist is slutty as hell."

"Not nearly as slutty as you, stinkabutt." He said, smirking.

He picked up the phone, bringing it to his face.


Quirking an eyebrow, he asked "What? Is there something in my teeth? I swear I flossed and brushed this morning.."


"Not as fine as you, stinkabutt."

Throwing her phone, she grabbed her pillow and screamed. Kicking her feet, Y/N squealed and twirled her hair.

"Did you really think you could rizz me?" She asked, picking back up the phone.

"Um.. yes?" He ran a hand through his dreads.

"Really? Because you diddd ahhh 😝"

Kiseki just shook his head.

"You rizzed me up on day one, hoe."

"EEEHHHHH-" She screamed so loud her mic gave out on her earbuds, and the call disconnected.

"Damn, what happened? Did I scare her away?"

On her side:

"Ajakaoos wkowo29,dls kqoBdjkq? Makwowwo ,woufn  ,,s,s7yg z,anh"


(A/N: I removed the drawing bc it looked hella cringe you can just ask for it on my insta or I'll redraw it later lol)

If you're better at drawing than me, PLS DRAW HIM AND SEND IT TO MY INSTA @theylove.mieko ‼️‼️

I mean, you can also dm me because I'm very hot and single 🤞😍

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