29: candy girl

637 31 18

Started titling my chapters >:)

For the first time in a week, Y/n could speak full sentences and eat whole meals again.

Naruto had managed to pop his ball.

Jiriya decided to take them both shopping as a reward on their progress.

"You guys have done really well! I'll take you to buy candy and toys today." He said, proudly pimping his wallet.

"Yay! Candy! Candy!"


The two skipped down the street, arm in arm.

The breeze was lightly blowing, and the sun grinned from the pale blue sky.

Birds were singing and people talked absentmindedly about things like the weather.

Naruto and Y/n giggle quietly, pointing at facially challanged people and poking fun.

Buildings rolled by, people walking in and out.

"Jiriya! Look, look!" She bounced up and down, eagerly pointing at the shop filled with colourful candies.

The hyper boy wrung his hands, grinning through the glass.

Some boys stood by the shop as she grabbed Naruto's hand.

"There's no way that ugly little kid is with her.."

"He looks sped.."

"What was that hand thing he did? Freak much?"

Naruto ignored it, but Y/n just couldn't let it slide.

"Hey, dumbasses. Do you have a fucking death wish? Wassup?"

"Not with you. That kid. He's probably a retard."

That was the last straw for her.

Slamming two of their heads together, the other two could do nothing but stare.

"Shut the hell up! You don't know a thing about him, so why would you throw a slur at him? You're just assholes."

She kicked the other two in the balls and took Naruto's hand again.

"Don't let anyone talk to you like that, ok? Ever."

Pushing the door open, Naruto stared in awe at her.

She was so good to him, and she taught him to see the world differently.

He wasn't alone at all anymore, he knew it. He had so many people that stood behind him and supported him, including her.

He decided to pick candy that reminded him of Y/n, the wonder girl from nowhere and everywhere.

Sweat and Sour Snakes.

Gummy Sharks.

And lastly,


Idgaf if you don't like the candy they have meanings behind it 👴🏻

And I added my headcannon that Naruto has ADHD. Happy stim for the win >:3

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