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"What do you know, it's Toph Beifong.."

"I really do wish you'd stop calling me that."

"Never, blind boy~"

First person POV

We sat on a rock, the bamboo swayed in the morning sun. The small stream ran by the rock, my feet hanging down into the cool water.

"So, what should I call you then?" I gave him a sly look, his tough guy facade fading by the second.

"Just 'Neji', if you will."

'But I'd really like you to call me 'yours"

I snickered at his thought, poking his cheek.

"So, Y/n.. what can I call you?" He looked at me, his scowl gone. It was replaced by a calm expression.

"Hmm... maybe you can call me 'Lady Y/n'~"

"As you wish." He nodded his head gently.

'Westley from Princess Bride who??'

"Heyy lighten up a little! Don't me so serious all the time." I undo his hair, braiding it down the middle.

"I'm sorry... I've never really had time to relax before.." he spoke softly, not at all like his usual stern tone.

I finished up his braid and sat facing him, looking at his face.

I know," I put my fist onto my palm, an idea had struck,"Let's go swimming!"

My shirt was halfway off before he stopped me.

"Isn't that indecent? What if someone sees us?"

"We won't be skinny dipping.... unless~?"

He flushed red, slowly unfastening his shirt. "I'd rather not, my lady..."

"Fine with me!" I stood in my under shirt and under shorts, a star-shaped boob window in the top showed my cleavage just a bit.

"Like what you see, Neji ?" I raised a brow at him, and he became more flustered than before.

"Let's just swim, shall we?"

"We shall."

I splashed water onto his face, and he swept my feet out from under me.

I landed in the water, a plan forming in my mind already.

Third person POV

"My lady? You can come up now... Y/n??" Neji began to panic.

He scooped up her body, laying her on the rock.

"Her heart!"

For the sake of this prank, she had stopped her own heart.

He started CPR, trying not to think about her soft chest under his hands.

"29.. 30.."

He hesitated, then bent down to begin mouth-to-mouth.

She found the perfect time and connected their lips, a look of surprise on his face.

Holding the back of his head, she bit his bottom lip, then pulled back.

"There. That should help you ease up."

He was panting lightly, and his whole face and neck were red.

Y/n licked her lips, a small smirk on her face.

"You taste like matcha. "


"I need a man who isn't so inexperienced! " I say, flipping my hair dramatically.

"All these dorks act like they never seen a woman before!"

I throw my hands in the air.


"True that"

"Sasuke would never"

"Same gurl"

I sit on the floor, Sakura, Hinata, Ino, TenTen, and Tamari are all here, spread across the room.

"To be honest, (y/n), your sensei is kinda fine.." Ino snickers.

"Ew" Sakura makes a gagging sound,"Gross".

"I mean... Ino you kinda right he is lowkey attractive" I scratch my chin

"I heard from Gai sensei that he's packin a stretch limousine if you know what I'm saying" I giggle, moving my hands about a foot apart.

"(Y/n)!" Sakura elbows me.

We all burst out laughing.


"PILLOW FIGHTTT!" TenTen screams, hitting Hinata in the face.

"Oh, it's on!" She grabs the nearest pillow and slams it down on Sakura.

"Hey!" Sakura yells. She grabs her own pillow and hits Temari, earning a whack across the back from her.

"All-out brawl! Dual blades!" I grab 2 pillows and smack like there's no tomorrow.

I manage to sock Ino in the side and Hinata in the leg.

By the time we finished, everyone was tired.

"Girls, today has been amazing."

I look at the ceiling smiling.

"This has been such a refresher. I almost forgot life isn't all about 'almost dying'" Temari says, swinging her feet behind her.

"Yeah... and all boys on my team except for Y/n never really gave me the chance to connect on that "girl-friend" level, ya know?" Sakura chimed in, murmurs of agreement bubbled up from the group.

"M-maybe we could do t-this again s-sometime.." Hinata mumbled.

"Yeah... we should!" Ten-ten said, starting a braiding train with Ino.

"Now to end the night," Ino scrolled through her phone, then clicked a song.

Broken by lovelytheband started playing, my face lighting up in recognition.

"Dance party!"

Edited 27/12/22

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