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"Hey! You took those guys out!" Naruto says. He tackles Y/n in a hug, and she just stands there, confused.

"What do you mean? I wasn't even in the matches..." She tilts her head.

The pair walk down the street, on their way to pick up Sasuke.

"Well, Zaku had no arms, so he lost easy. Hosu tried to use his technique, but his arm and his leg blew up! I thought you only put a bomb on his arm, right?" He waves his arms about, shouting in Y/n's face.

"Well, I did sneak an extra bomb on his leg..." She says lightly, scratching the back of her neck.

"Woah! I didn't even notice that! Choji still lost, though.." He sighs at the last part.

"Hey, at least that sound bastard is crippled!" Y/n flashes a reassuring smile and pats his head.

Naruto shivered. 'How is she smiling while saying that..'

"That other gir! When Shikamaru hit her head on the wall, they said she died from.. from a.. an.. anur..."He fumbled with the last word.

"Aneurysm...?" (Y/n) asks.

"Yeah! That's the word!" He exclaims.

Pausing, she faces Naruto fully now. "Hey man, it's NERF or nothin'."

"What are you guys talking about?" Sasuke asks.

"AI! When did you get here? We were just looking for you!" Naruto points a finger in his face.

"This is his house, ya know.." She deadpans.

Naruto scratches his head, a look of realization on his face. "Oh, yeaahh..."

"Alright, pookies! Lessgo pick up Sakura-chan!"


Putting on my best fake smile, Mrs. Haruno opens the door.

"Oh! You must be Sakura's team. She'll be down in a minute. Come inside, will you?" She stands aside and opens the door wider.

I bow lightly and step inside.

Her house is very....plain.

"Sakura! Your friends are here!" Mrs. Haruno calls up the stairs.

The door opens, and she comes sliding down the stairs with a wide smile. "Hey, everybody!"

"Sa-ku-ra~!" I crush her in a hug, rubbing my cheek against her hair. "I missed you so so much~!"

She deadpanned.

"I literally saw you a week ago..."

"But that's seven days too long!"


"Wow! You're so fast, Y/n!" Sakura exclaims, slightly out of breath.

Sasuke agreed, but he wasn't going to admit he was jealous. "Not only that, but her ninjustu, taijustsu, and genjustsu have improved. Even her weapon weilding has gotten good.."

I ruffle my hair bashfully. "Man, I dunno about all that! I have been training since you guys got out of the preliminaries, though."

"Y/n, you're amazing. You try so hard to protect us and give us everything, but you need breaks sometimes, too." Putting a hand on my shoulder, Sakura looks up at me worriedly.

Naruto chimes is too, "Yeah, yeah! I'd be super duper sad if you died trying to save us, and I'd feel real guilty, too."

Sasuke rolled his eyes. "Just... don't be stupid."

"Thank you, guys! You're awesome, too!" I radiate with pride. I'm so proud of them! They've grown so much, as ninjas and as people.

"Let's have a squad dinner tonight! My treat. Invite anyone you want!" I say while smiling widely. I can't help but have warm feelings for these three. They're the real ones, through thick and thin.


All the adults drank a little over dinner, yes. But Y/n?





She tripped over her own feet several times and was tugging on the back of Kakashi's flak vest to keep herself steady.

Kakashi himself was done.

It was loud, and he was having a sensory overload from all the people talking to him and touching him. His headband and mask hung around his neck, freeing up his face.

They don't even know how she got her hands on booze after they all apposed vehemently to her drinking.

"Hey, Kashi.."

"Yes, Y/n?"

"Are we friends?"

"Yes, Y/n."

"Hey, Kashi?"

"Yes, Y/n?"

"You're pretty."

He felt a weight on his back that was a LOT more than a teenage girl. Turning to look at her head on his shoulder, he resisted the urge to shove her right off.

'That's a whole ass adult....'

Her hair was considerably longer, and her jawline was defined, and her half-lidded eyes were permanently painted in a coquettish, amorous gaze.

'This is what she really looks like?'

To say he was astonished was an understatement.

'I wish she wouldn't grow up... she's damn near as tall as me now.'

"You're gonna walk me home, right?"

Blinking in shock, he quickly recovered and nodded his head. "Y-yeah! Yeah, I'll walk you."

She hiccuped before blacking out and falling over.

"Shit, she is NOT going to feel good tomorrow.."

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