çhæptêr 3️⃣

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"Is everyone in position?"

"Depends on which one. Doggy style or Cowgirl–"

"Oh-kay Y/n that's enough."


I stroked the cat's warm fur, taking the tacky ass bow and throwing it into a random bush.

"Call me Nami cuz I'm finna cat burgle you." I said, rolling out the paper and gesturing for Tora and I to make a summoning contract.

He placed his paw in the small ink dish and 'signs' the contract paper.

At this point, I gave up on the stupid mission and just took the cat home with me and gave it a nice bath.

"That lady doesn't treat you right, So I guess I have to." I said with a huff, rubbing the soft towel across Tora's damp fur.

As soon as the kitty was comfortable, I took off to join my team again.

I crossed my arms with a stank expression. Now he must know damn good and well that I'm not going on a low level mission like babysitting. This deffo blows.

"Gramps can we do actual missions? I'm tired of watching little kids for hours on end. I'm not nobody's goddamn momma."

"Well, since you all seem so opposed to low rank missions, I'll give you a C-rank mission as escorts." He nods his head, and the door opens.

"I hope it's a princess!"

"Don't we all, blondie."

A weathered old man carrying a bottle of sake stumbled into the room, his eyes barely hanging open. "Huh? They're just a buncha brats! Look at the short one with the stupid look."

We line up, and I'm the tallest, then it's Sasuke, then Sakura, and lastly, Naruto.

"Lemme at'em! I'll show him who's stupid!" Naruto struggles severely to escape our sensei's arms

"You are right now! Out here acting a damn fool!" I grumbled, grabbing a fistful of his hair and pulling him back.

I swear even Ebisu with that stick up his ass stifled a laugh.

"As I was saying, you can't beat up the person we're escorting!" Kakashi sweatdropped, and Naruto groaned.

"You're all dismissed to pack."

Using my newly learned (more like stole) technique, I teleported to my apartment and packed quickly, leaving food out for the cat and teleported to the gates.

Not a minute later, Sasuke showed up.

"Hey," I send him a lazy wave.

He leans his head on my shoulder, mumbling into my ear. "Please let my walk by you. The other two are unbearable."

In the short 2 weeks I've lived here, I was the one he tolerated the most.

"'Course you can. I don't mind."

I personally felt the sigh of relief he let out.

Sakura looked jealous at his proximity, but decided to just ignore it.

Sensei poofs in right next to Sasuke and sends him and Sakura a wave. When he looks at me, his eyes soften.

"Be nice, ok?"

"No guarantees, brah." I said with a lazy smirk.

Tazuna waddled down the road, his sake almost spilling.

I snorted. 'What kinda guy can't walk in a straight line while drunk? Idiot.'

"Let's get this show on the road, people!" Naruto skips out the gate, past the whole team.

"You sure are excited. Why?" Sakura asks Naruto.

"You see, I've never been outside the village before!" He says

"You're such a bum, Naru."


'A puddle? That's crazy bc it hasn't rained in weeks.'

I form the hand signs, bringing my fingers up to my face with a devilish grin.

"Fire style: Fireball jutsu." I scortch the puddle to ashes, and they blow in the wind

"Was that good, Sasuke? It was my first time doing that justsu, and I hope I did your clan some justice.." I rub my neck sheepishly.

"There's no reason for yours to be better than mine, asshole." He grumbled, lightly punching my arm.

"Puddles shouldn't leave ashes like that.." Sakura noted, a small look of concern on her face.

"Well, that puddle wasn't a puddle. It was 2 nin who have been tailing us. I wanted to gather intel, but Y/n here mercilessly took their lives." He explained

"That's right, muddafuckas. Another day, another slay." I say, blowing a ring of smoke.

'She sure is something..' The others think in unison.


The boat drifted silently through the fog, and we passed by the majestic bridge Tazuna's crew was building.

"It's huge!" Naruto exclaimed, and I stifled a giggle.

"That's what she said." I snickered, and Kakashi rolled his eyes.

"Shhh. Why do you think I cut the engine-" He started talking, but I couldn't quite hear the rest.

Black spots dance in my vision, and I feel myself fall...

I stood in a dark room. The sound of dripping water echoed off the walls.

A hallway appeared, and at the end, a big gate with a heavy lock. Something behind those bars called me...

Like my uncle every Tuesday.

Inside, a giant fuzzy beast with six legs, a short tail, glowing eyes, and sharp fangs rested behind the bars, his antennae twitching in anticipation.

"Cool." I stare at the creature, and it stares back.

It only blinks in return.

"What's your name?" I ask, tilting my head to the side.

The thing quirks an eyebrow.

"I have no name. I am simply a creature of war." It gave a solemn expression, and I tried to come up with a name.


That thing didn't look like a 'Turtlebear' in the least, but it oddly fit.

"Since you gave me a name, does that mean I serve you?"

"Serve? I think we're more like equals."

"Equals?" It said curiously, eyes glittering with hope.

"Yeah... like friends."

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