part 20!?!?!?

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"Hey Sakura, I didn't know you and Pakkun used the same shampoo." I said in amusement, raising my eyebrows.

"Mhm, it's called Minty Rain Forest Mist." He said in that gruff voice of his, nodding his head proudly.

Sakura's face dropped, and she paled like she'd seen a ghost."I smell like a dog.." She mumbled, waling weakly.


The team ventured into the forest, Pakkun and Y/n tracking Sasuke's scent.

"Wow! You have so many talents, Y/n! And you're so strong. I wish I could be like you instead of hiding behind you guys in battle..." Sakura gushed, running beside the older girl

"It's because I fight for all the times that we can just take it slow, and live like normal people. Times where we laugh, eat, play, and sleep together. I fight for peace."


CW: Y/N SEDUCING THE UCHIHAS (nothing too steamy tho 🙏)

Four silhouettes sit on the porch, the warm summer sun high in the sky. Cicadas hiss, adding to the calm atmosphere of the group. The four of them were eating popsicles to escape the buzzing heat.

'Hm,' Y/n thought, 'It's a little too calm... I should be extra asf right now and brick some hoes up...'

"Oh nooo! My popsicle is melting.." She whined, licking her palm while making direct eye contact with Shisui.

Her half-lidded eyes held a teasing glimmer in them.

She sticks her fingers in her mouth, one by one, and draws them out slowly, making a small popping sound with each one.

The three boys lit up in a blush, and she knew it was NOT the heat.

"Ne, so is yours, Itachi!" She points at his hands.

Without warning, she reaches over and licks his arm where the juice is running down, her soft lips gracing his skin. Then, she sucks on his middle finger, twirling it with her tongue.

With a smirk, she bit his finger lightly and opened her mouth.

Itachi was so flustered, he didn't move a muscle.

Shisui had his jaw practically in his lap, while Sasuke was looking away, covering his face with the back of his hand.

"You've got some on your face..."

"Oh! Here?" Shisui tried to wipe it off, but he missed.

"No... up here"

"Here?" He missed again.

"Hold still. Bare with me, my hands are sticky and we don't have napkins.."

Y/n leaned over and licked the corner of Shisui's mouth, a bright pink dancing on his cheeks.

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