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"Man, you look just like the 4th it's almost laughable."

"I do?"

"Oh, only if you knew.."

First person POV

"Alright! Just stay here and don't make a mess. And you Y/n, watch him."

"Good grief... come on, Naruto." I drag my feet down the hall and up the stairs, heading to the room.

"Gross old man." He grumbled, unlocking the door.

I flopped onto the bed, letting out a loud groan. "Ugh, he just left us for some random lady.. There's no way he's a respected member of society.."


Knock knock..

"Narutoooo can you get the dooorr?" Y/n drawled, laying halfway off of the bed.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm coming..." He stood up and unlocked the door, and there stood Itachi and Kisame.


She bounced off of the bed in surprise

He waved, pulling from his sleeve a bottle of purple nail polish.

"Awww, you remembered!"

"Don't tell me you really brought her the nail polish, Ita-"

Naruto interjected, "What's the big idea, huh? Just what's going on?"

"It's my salon time with your hot kidnapper."

She had grabbed the edge of his sleeve when Sasuke ran down the hall.

"How could you? Why did you leave us, big brother?" He clenched his fist, a shadow covering his eyes.

Itachi grabbed Y/n's hand, steeling himself.

'It's all for the village, for you, younger brother.'

He couldn't show it, he had to be strong. For the sake of the mission.

Naruto by this time had quieted down, grabbing Y/n's free hand.

"I...I won't let you get away with leaving us behind!" He activated his sharingan, and formed a chidori.

He ran at Itachi, and he let go of the girls hand.

In a quick and fluid movement, he deflected the jutsu.

"Dammnnn" Y/n put a hand over her heart and made a stank face.

"I wonder who's paying for all of this-"


"So I'm guessing he is."


"Impossible! He broke through the walls..." Jiraya said I'm disbelief, looking at the gaping hole in the wall.

"Woah..." Naruto, being the idiot he is, tried to touch the black flames.

"Hey, dumbass! Don't touch that!" I scolded, slapping his hand away.


I reached my hand out and held the black fire in my hand, the cold flames dancing in my palm.

"Hey.. how are you holding that...." Jiraya looked at me like I was an alien, which isn't that far from the truth.

"Pyrokenisis....?" I looked at Jiraya like he was the alien.



I clapped my hands and the fire went out, leaving an odd swirl in the middle of my hands.

"Oh, hey. He did my nails before he left... how sweet"

I ran a finger over the slick purple, a soft smile on my face.

"Now.... for Sasuke."

Jiraya said, releasing the jutsu.

He fell from the wall and slumped against the floor.

Me and Naruto went to catch him, and leaned him upright.

"Oh, Sasuke..." I brushed his hair out of his face, ad wiped the blood off of his lips amd chin.

I put a hand on his forehead, a sizzling shock hit my palms.

"Ah shit-"

The mark on my hands turned cold, and the burning went away.

"He's unconscious.. and suffered severe mental damage. Broke 2 ribs and his wrist."

I put my hand on his wrist and started healing it, mumbling to myself.

"When I find those guys, I'll get em! It's me that they want, right?"
Naruto clenched his fist.

"If you go after them now, you'll die."

"Besides... you aren't the only one they're after, rock head." I was scoffed, smacking his head.

"What we have to focus on now is Sasuke."

Naruto was about to protest, but I stood up abruptly.

Gai came flying down the hallway, aiming for Jiraya.

I hit his leg, the force breaking a few floorboards.

"Gai watch where you point that thing... ya know this is why Kakashi is better than you."


"I let my youth get the best of me.."

"Is that supposed to be an apology?"

Jiraya was looking at Gai like he was an idiot, which he was, but he was really trying to apologise.... in his own way.

"Anyway, thank you Y/n." He turned to me and patted my head.

I was just leaning against his leg while sitting on the floor.

"No problem."

"It's times like these that from the bottom of my heart I wish that a medical specialist was here.." He says, looking wistfully at Sasuke, reminded of Lee.

"It's gonna be alright idiot-sensei cuz that's the lady we're looking for."

"No... you can't mean her..." Gai recoiled in fright.

Me and Jiraya looked at eachother and smiled.

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