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Y/n hummed lightly, walking in the light forest a little ways off from the arena.

The cool green was soothing.

Passing by an old, dead tree, she sees colourful mushrooms littering the trunk.

Picking one up and sniffing it, she decided to collect them and put them in her small bag.

"Whoo. All done!" She wipes the sweat off of her brow and stands up.

She sighs contently and keeps walking in the dappled sunlight.

Speeding up to a jog, the wind tickling her skin.

Suddenly stopping, she whirls around, looking for any signs of a pursuer. "Huh... I swear I could've... nevermind." She turns around again, resuming her jog.

A while after she had passed, a figure emerged from behind a tree.

"That was close... " The person flipped off their hood, flashing round glasses and a hidden sound headband.

"She almost found out-"

"Found out what?"

Caught off-guard, he pulls out a weapon defensively.

"Easy, white chocolate. Wouldn't want you to melt" She lowers her voice to match Terry Crews.

Kabuto sighs at her antics, shaking his head fondly.

"Y/n, I could never stab you... not even for Lord Orochimaru.." He says, putting his kunai away.

He opened his arms, signaling for her to hug him, which she did.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and he lightly held her waist, relaxing into her touch.

"You know" She starts,"If you tried to stab me..."

"I'd end up bleeding out behind someone's house, that's for sure." He chuckles.

"You know me so well"

Y/n takes Kabuto's hand and continues her walk in the woods.


I run.

My legs pound against the ground, adrenaline coursing in my veins.

'Shit! I just hope I'm not too late!'

Sliding out from the hallway, I jump over Naruto and Shikamaru, and out infront of Gai, a weapon in hand.

"Those aren't really anbu.. and that isn't the Kazekage!"

I make a few hand signs, summoning Tora.

He nods and jumps away.

"Kabuto.." I say, waving at him.

"I'd hate to hurt you, Y/n... this affair doesn't have to involve you"

"Oh, this DOESN'T have to involve me?" I raise an eyebrow, walking slowly down the steps while maintaining eye contact.

The sound nin around him tense up, but he raises a hand to stop them.

"If it involves my home and the people I love, then it does involve me." I say.

He lifts up the mask and smirks.



Y/n jumps forward, dodging punches and grabbing the closest ninja by the neck. She brings her hand down and snaps his collar bone with her brute strength.

He flings her back, crashing into the seats.

Sakura gasps as Y/n lands right next to her, breaking bits of the stands.

"Oh, hey Sakura!" She chirps, shaking the dust out of her hair.

"Y/n! What are you doing here!?" Sakura whisper-yells.

"Uh... saving your arse?"

She struggles with another ninja, taking the blunt end of the kunai and ramming it into the back of his head.



Y/n forces Sakura's head down as their teacher takes a stance above them.

"Sakura, Y/n-chan~! Don't move a muscle, ok?" He waves between his legs at them.

Y/n bites her lip, ungodly thoughts that probably shouldn't be thought about your teacher replayed in her mind.

Sakura nods and cowers next to her.

"Good job disabling the genjustsu, girls! Now go wake up Naruto and Shikamaru. This will be your first A-rank mission since the Land of Waves. He'll be ecstatic to go."

He summons Pakkun as the fourth member of their team.

Slowly crawling, Y/n goes with Sakura to wake the boys up. Naruto was first.

"Hey, why going on... Sakura?" He yawns out.

"Behind you-!" She points to the ninja about to attack, but Y/n gets there first.

Like a flash, she stabs him in the stomach with a kunai.

"So.. fast.."

"Suck my dick, loser" She shoves him all the way through the wall, his body landing with a thump below.

"Well, that's something to wake up to!" Naruto jumps through the hole, Sakura and Pakkun with Shikamaru following.

Just as Y/n tries to jump down, Kakashi grabs her by the collar of her shirt.

"ACK- aww man! Why can't I goo?" She whines.

"Because I need a cheerleader to keep me going. You wouldn't deny your sweet sensei that, would you~?" He coos.

Kakashi then ruffles her hair and gets back to fighting.

Y/n grabs a piece of paper, scribbles down a note quickly, and sticks it to the wall with a kunai.

She then rushes out of the hole in the wall, a determined expression set on her face.


You know that I can't sit around while one of my team members are in danger! I've decided to go against your wishes, but if you really must need me, put your hand on the bottom of the paper.

Until later,

Kakashi sighs reading the note. "She just can't sit still, can she?"

He shook his head fondly and folded the note, putting it in his pocket.

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